SAL Elements¶
There are 12 parts of speech in SAL, divided into open and closed word classes.
Open word classes are: nouns, adjectives, adverbs and verbs. As a user you are able to add or modify open word classes (except for verbs).
Closed word classes are: articles, prepositions, auxiliary verbs, pronouns, interrogatives, negative particles, conjunctions and punctuation. These classes are privileged and only users with the appropriate profile can modify them.
SAL Taxonomy for Rulewriters and Coders¶
NOUNS - [N] [WC 01]
DETERMINERS - [DET] [WC 14 & 15]
ARITHMATES - [AR] [WC 16] (See also WC 04, 14)
VERBS - [VT / VI] [WC 02]
ADVERBS - [ADV] [WC 03 & 06]
In these SAL Taxonomy Tables, the maroon denotes Superset, red denotes set, and black denotes subset (in other contexts, blue is used to denote subset).
color denotes ,The SAL Taxonomy Tables provided here include word-specific codes for the closed Word Classes and also for Adverbs, but only give generic codes for Nouns, Adjectives, and Verbs. To access word-specific codes for Nouns, Adjectives, Verbs and closed Word Classes, use the TermBuilder View Function.
Numeric Codes denote Taxonomy position (Superset, set and subset) by their range: Numbers 1-16 denote Superset, 17-99 denote set, and 100-998 denote subset. Note, however, that there are exceptions to this arrangement in the case of (Non-Locatives), where Superset codes range from 1-26 and there are no set codes.
SAL Noun Supersets¶
Supersets |
Mnemonics |
CO |
3 |
MA |
11 |
AN |
5 |
PL |
9 |
IN |
12 |
AB |
6 |
4 |
7 |
ME |
8 |
TI |
10 |
AS |
2 |
UN |
1 |
Sets |
Mnemonics |
agentives |
COagen |
35 |
functionals |
COfunc |
34 |
natural things |
COnat |
32 |
lights |
COlight |
37 |
edibles(non-mass) |
COednm |
18 |
amorphous |
COamor |
33 |
atomistic |
COatom |
19 |
blemishes |
COblem |
44 |
classifiers |
COclass |
39 |
Sets and Subsets |
Mnemonics |
Numerics |
Examples |
agentives |
COundagt |
[3 35 248] |
See subsets |
software |
COsoft |
[3 35 300] |
routine |
concrete chemical agents |
COchem |
[3 35 702] |
catalyst, warhead |
machines/systems |
COmach |
[3 35 750] |
battery, camera |
vehicles |
COvehic |
[3 35 611] |
truck, ship |
meters |
COmeter |
[3 35 716] |
clock, gauge |
communication agents |
COcomm |
[3 35 708] |
radio, radar |
functionals |
COundfunc |
[3 34 217] |
trinket, ornament |
devices/tools |
COtool |
[3 34 720] |
pliers, muscle |
fasteners |
COfast |
[3 34 721] |
nail, tendon |
bearing surfaces |
COsurf |
[3 34 722] |
table, shelf |
receptacles |
COrecp |
[3 34 659] |
bottle, barrel |
conduits |
COcond |
[3 34 745] |
chute, artery |
thresholds/focal points/barriers |
CObarr |
[3 34 525] |
wall, door |
links/bridges |
COlink |
[3 34 526] |
circuit, nerve |
cloth things |
COcloth |
[3 34 785] |
shirt, blanket |
structural elements |
COstruc |
[3 34 612] |
spar, bone |
concretizations of verbals |
COverb |
[3 34 211] |
threading |
concretizations of mass nouns |
COmass |
[3 34 210] |
acid lining |
product/brand names |
CObrand |
[3 34 209] |
Windows NT |
natural things |
COnat |
[3 32 32] |
See subsets |
minute flora |
COflora |
[3 32 382] |
algae, spore |
plants |
COplant |
[3 32 383] |
rose, weed |
trees |
COtree |
[3 32 384] |
apple, willow |
trees/wood |
COtrwd |
[3 32 855] |
oak, maple |
misc. natural things |
COmnat |
[03 32 381] |
pebble, iceberg |
edibles (non-mass) |
COednm |
[3 18 18] |
pork chop |
edibles/color |
COedcol |
[3 18 855] |
orange, cherry |
impulses/lights |
COlight |
[3 37 37] |
lamp, beam |
blemishes/marks |
COblem |
[3 44 44] |
scratch, freckle |
classifiers |
COclass |
[3 39] |
element |
amorphous |
COamor |
[3 33] |
breeze, tide |
atomistic |
COatom |
[3 19] |
electron, atom |
undifferentiated |
COobj |
[3 3 212] |
trifle, curio |
Sets and Subsets |
Mnemonics |
Numerics |
Examples |
raw materials/metals |
MAraw |
[11 38] |
wool, iron |
functional mass |
MAfunc |
[11 49] |
wiring, cable |
-gear/equipment |
MAgear |
[11 49 324] |
radio gear |
financial |
MA fina |
[11 97] |
money, stock |
energy |
MAener |
[11 23] |
fire, heat |
vegetative |
MAvege |
[11 60] |
grass, wheat |
animate mass |
MAanim |
[11 82] |
skin, hair |
natural minerals/solids |
MAmine |
[11 84] |
rock, ore |
chemical agents |
MAchem |
[11 83] |
adrenalin |
chemical compounds |
MAcomp |
[11 52] |
chlorophyll |
liquids |
MAliqu |
[11 45] |
water, oil |
edible mass |
MAedib |
[11 43] |
food, meat |
gases |
MAgas |
[11 50] |
gas, air |
wastes |
MAwaste |
[11 98] |
dross, chaff |
undifferentiated mass |
MAundif |
[11 20] |
film, fiber |
Sets and Subsets |
Mnemonics |
Numerics |
Examples |
designations/professions |
ANdes |
[5 91] |
mother, lawyer |
titles |
ANtitle |
[5 91 807] |
Mr. / Mrs. |
people/place |
ANplace |
[5 91 205] |
Canadian |
people/language |
ANlang |
[5 91 206] |
Spanish |
proper names |
ANname |
[5 91 207] |
Smith / Mary |
human collective |
ANcoll |
[5 94] |
agency |
proper organization names |
ANorg |
[5 94 193] |
Congress |
non-human animates |
ANanim |
[5 51] |
non-human aggregate |
ANaggr |
[5 51 208] |
herd, bevy |
mammals |
ANmamm |
[5 51 126] |
lion |
mammals/food/fur |
ANmammfd |
[5 51 855] |
rabbit |
fowl |
ANfowl |
[5 51 125] |
sparrow |
fowl/food |
ANfowlfd |
[5 51 855] |
chicken |
fish |
ANfish |
[5 51 124] |
shark |
reptiles |
ANrept |
[5 51 123] |
lizard |
bugs/insects |
ANbugs |
[5 51 122] |
spider |
microorganisms |
ANmicro |
[5 51 121] |
virus |
other animates |
ANother |
[5 51 213] |
angel, ghost |
Sets and Subsets |
Mnemonics |
Numerics |
Examples |
functional locations |
PLfunc |
[9 26] |
dock |
agentive functional locations |
PLagfunc |
[9 26 228] |
bank |
enclosed spaces |
PLencl |
[9 27] |
closet |
paths |
PLpath |
[9 55] |
orbit |
non-agentive common-noun geographical locations |
PLnagcom |
[9 29] |
frontier |
agentive geog. entities |
PLaggeo |
[9 94] |
See subsets |
countries/states/provinces |
PLcoun |
[9 94 230] |
England |
cities |
PLcity |
[9 94 226] |
New York |
agentive common-noun geog. entities |
PLagcom |
[9 94 236] |
empire |
non-agentive proper geog. entities |
PLnagprop |
[9 56] |
See subsets |
continents |
PLcont |
[9 56 227] |
Africa |
bodies of water |
PLwater |
[9 56 229] |
Gulf of Mexico |
other non-agentive proper geog. entities |
PLothprop |
[9 56 238] |
Mt. Fuji |
undifferentiated place |
PLundif |
[9 57] |
zone |
Sets and Subsets |
Mnemonics |
Numerics |
Examples |
instructional/legal |
INinst |
[12 74] |
rule, contract |
games/rituals |
INgame |
[12 74 224] |
chess, hockey |
symbolic data |
INsymb |
[12 75] |
number, code |
recorded data |
INdata |
]12 76] |
book, map |
scripted events |
INevent |
[12 76 223] |
opera, movie |
evidence/symptoms |
INevid |
[12 96] |
clue, cue, hint |
fields of knowledge |
INknow |
[12 78] |
chemistry |
the arts |
INarts |
[12 78 225] |
ballet, drama |
storage media for recorded data |
INstor |
[12 77] |
disk, buffer |
undifferentiated information |
INundif |
[12 79] |
fact, adage |
Sets and Subsets |
Mnemonics |
Numerics |
Examples |
verbal abstracts (re processes, behavior, persons as agents) |
ABverb |
[6 41] |
purpose |
ABpur |
[6 41 748] |
task, function |
method/process/procedure |
ABmeth |
[6 41 733] |
mode, way |
cause/potential/disposition |
ABcause |
[6 41 602] |
basis, reason |
quality of action/agent |
ABqual |
[6 41 655] |
rapidity, ease |
negative causes |
ABnegc |
[6 41 764] |
danger, risk |
strong verbal abstracts |
ABstrvb |
[6 41 749] |
See Chart |
time events |
ABtime |
[641 732] |
holiday |
contrary events |
ABcont |
[6 41 765] |
accident |
non-verbal abstracts (re things, persons as non-agents) |
ABnonvb |
[6 40] |
properties/qualities/nature |
ABprop |
[6 40 609] |
form, trait |
states/conditions/relationships |
ABstate |
[6 40 736] |
parity, coma |
classifications |
ABclass |
[6 40 731] |
species, rank |
sources/origins |
ABorig |
[6 40 723] |
fund, store |
general abstract concepts |
ABgen |
[6 42] |
idea, truth |
to, onto, into, over (motional preps + acc.) |
ABmot24 |
[6 24 749] |
stumble, reach, reroute |
at, on, in, under, above (locative preps + dat.) |
ABloc68 |
[6 68 749] |
cutover, dent, puncture, scribble, slap |
at = relational sense |
ABat94 |
[6 94 749] |
balk, peek, smile |
for |
ABfor46 |
[6 46 749] |
affinity, flair, respect |
from/off of/ out of |
ABfrom26 |
[6 26 749] |
egress, deliverance, rescue, absence, reprieve, exile |
in (non-locative) |
ABin82 |
[6 82 749] |
breakthrough, competency, debut, exam, growth, lapse |
into (non-motional) |
ABin20 |
[6 20 749] |
insight, etc. |
about/on/over = concerning |
ABabout90 |
[6 90 749] |
publicity, rivalry, outrage, flap, fuss, grief, criticism |
to/toward (relational sense, may take “from”) |
ABto57 |
[6 57 749] |
allergy, civility, injury, service, tribute, reply |
with |
ABwith59 |
[6 59 749] |
combat, merger, stay |
Sets and Subsets |
Mnemonics |
Numerics |
Examples |
abstract concepts measured by unit |
MEabs |
[8 46] |
humidity, length |
discrete measurable concepts |
MEdis |
[8 95] |
sum, increment |
units of measure |
MEunit |
[8 61] |
See subsets |
units of weight |
MEwt |
[8 61 161] |
ounce, pound |
units of velocity |
MEvel |
[8 61 162] |
mph, megahertz |
units of volume measure |
MEvol |
[8 61 163] |
gallon, liter |
units of temperature |
MEtemp |
[8 61 164] |
degrees celsius, BTU |
units of energy/force |
MEener |
[8 61 165] |
watt, horsepower |
measurement systems |
MEsys |
[8 61 234] |
fahrenheit, kelvin |
units of duration |
MEdur |
[8 61 166] |
hour, minute, year |
specialized units of measure |
MEspec |
[8 61 167] |
oersted, ohm, phon |
units of money/value |
MEvalue |
[8 61 168] |
dollar, mark, franc |
units of linear/area measure |
MElin |
[8 61 170] |
inch, yard, mile |
general undifferentiated measure |
MEundif |
[8 61 169] |
degree, gross, share |
Sets and Subsets |
Mnemonics |
Numerics |
Examples |
days of the week |
TIday |
[10 30 171] |
Monday, Friday |
months of the year |
TImo |
[10 30 172] |
July, December |
seasons of the year |
TIsea |
]10 30 173] |
winter, spring |
periods of the day |
TIper |
[10 30 174] |
rush hour, dawn |
adverbial time nouns |
TIadv |
[10 30 176] |
today’s, tonight’s |
undifferentiated time |
TIundif |
[10 30] |
epoch, era, antiquity |
Sets and Subsets |
Mnemonics |
Numerics |
Examples |
aspective bearing surfaces |
ASsurf |
[2 21] |
seat, ledge |
aspective functionals |
ASfunc |
[2 58] |
tooth, arm, tab |
members/portions/parts |
ASpart |
[2 24] |
unit, phase |
aggregates |
ASaggr |
[2 92] |
group, pair, set |
numeric groupings |
ASnum |
[2 92 101] |
tens, hundreds |
aspective receptacles |
ASrecp |
[2 36] |
cavity, rut, groove |
aspective thresholds/focal points/ barriers/limits |
ASbarr |
[2 25] |
axis, hole, target |
model/copy |
AScopy |
[2 31] |
duplicate, image |
configurations/order |
ASconf |
[2 28] |
network, row, pile |
aspective conduits |
AScond |
[2 22] |
link, span |
Subsets |
Mnemonics |
Numerics |
words without distinguishing features |
UN |
[1 1 1] [Form=33] |
words w/ initial cap |
UNinit |
[1 1 859] “ |
words in all caps |
UNcaps |
[1 1 228] “ |
alpha-numeric string |
UNalnum |
[1 1 989] “ |
* Unknown Words always default to the Noun Word Class
Subsets |
Mnemonics |
Numerics |
remote agentive subset |
reagen |
[228] |
remote mass subset |
remass |
[855] |
apposition-inviting subset |
apinvit |
[986] |
DET - Determiners [14]¶
Superset |
Mnemonics |
Numerics |
Definite Article |
1 |
Demonstratives |
2 |
Arithmates |
AR |
9 (form = 8) |
Superset |
Mnemonics |
Numerics |
Definite Article |
the |
[1 1 101] |
Superset |
Mnemonics |
Numerics |
Demonstrative |
that |
[2 2 103] |
Demonstrative |
these |
[2 2 102] |
Demonstrative |
this |
[2 2 102] |
Demonstrative |
those |
[2 2 103] |
Sets and Subsets |
Mnemonics |
Numerics |
Examples |
mixed numbers |
NUMmixed |
[9 18 818] |
1 1/2; 2 1/4 |
all fractions |
NUMfrac |
[9 19 919] |
1/2 1/3 1/4 |
zero |
NUM0 |
[9 20 020] |
0 |
word-specific code for number one |
NUM1 |
[9 21 123] |
1 |
word-specific code for number two |
NUM2 |
[9 21 222] |
2 |
word-specific code for numbers 3 and 4 |
NUM3-4 |
[9 21 234] |
3, 4 |
generic subset for numbers from 5 - 31 |
NUM5-31 |
[9 21 567] |
5, 6, 7 … 31 |
generic subset for numbers from 32 - 99 |
NUM32-99 |
[9 23 567] |
32 … 99 |
word-specific code for word one hundred |
NUMhundred |
[9 40 601] |
one hundred |
generic subset for numbers from 100 - 999 |
NUM100-999 |
[9 40 789] |
100 … 999 |
word-specific code for one thousand |
NUMthousand |
[9 51 602] |
one thousand |
generic subset for numbers from 1000 - 1776 |
NUM1000-1776 |
[9 51 789] |
1000 … 1776 |
generic subset for numbers from 1777 - 1999 |
NUM1777-1999 |
[9 52 789] |
1777 … 1999 |
generic subset for numbers from 2000 - 2400 |
NUM2000-2400 |
[9 53 789] |
2000 … 2400 |
generic subset for numbers from 2401 and up |
NUM2401plus |
[9 54 890] |
2401 … |
word-specific code for million |
NUMmillion |
[9 54 603] |
million |
word-specific code milliard |
NUMmilliard |
[9 54 604] |
milliard |
word-specific code billion |
NUMbillion |
[9 54 605] |
billion |
word-specific code trillion |
NUMtrillion |
[9 54 606] |
trillion |
specific code for asterisk symbol |
NUMast |
[9 60 60] |
specific code for dollar sign |
NUMdolsign |
[9 60 989] |
$ |
specific code for percent sign |
NUMpctsign |
[9 60 980] |
% |
specific code for year with an apostrophe |
NUM’29-‘99 |
[9 90] |
‘29-‘99 |
specific code for the roman numerals |
NUMroman |
[9 92 092] |
I, II, III, IV, V, ……. |
specific code for the arithmate-arithmate |
NUMn-n |
[9 94 094] |
2-2 5-3 8-1 |
specific code for miscellaneous arithmate strings |
NUMstring |
[9 96 096] |
1.1 / 83-05-12 |
AR - Arithmates [WC 16, Superset 4]¶
Arithmates are distributed over three parts of speech:
Description |
WC Mnemonic |
WC” |
Superset |
Form |
Arithmate: Free-Standing/Apposition |
AR |
16 |
4 |
1 |
Arithmates as Other Parts of Speech |
WC Mnemonic |
WC |
Superset |
Form |
Arithmate as Definite Article |
14 |
9 |
8 |
Arithmate as Adjective |
AJ |
4 |
13 |
9 |
Sets and Subsets |
Mnemonics |
Numerics |
Examples |
dates |
NUMdates |
[4 10 176] |
6/2/90 |
mixed numbers |
NUMmixed |
[4 18 818] |
1 1/2; 2 1/4 |
all fractions |
NUMfrac |
[4 19 919] |
1/2 1/3 1/4 |
zero |
NUM0 |
[4 20 020] |
0 |
word-specific code for number one |
NUM1 |
[4 21 123] |
1 |
word-specific code for number two |
NUM2 |
[4 21 222] |
2 |
word-specific code for numbers 3 and 4 |
NUM3-4 |
[4 21 234] |
3, 4 |
generic subset for numbers from 5 - 31 |
NUM5-31 |
[4 21 567] |
5, 6, 7 … 31 |
generic subset for numbers from 32 - 99 |
NUM32-99 |
[4 23 567] |
32 … 99 |
word-specific code for word one hundred |
NUMhundred |
[4 40 601] |
one hundred |
generic subset for numbers from 100 - 999 |
NUM100-999 |
[4 40 789] |
100 … 999 |
word-specific code for one thousand |
NUMthousand |
[4 51 602] |
one thousand |
generic subset for numbers from 1000 - 1776 |
NUM1000-1776 |
[4 51 789] |
1000 … 1776 |
generic subset for numbers from 1777 - 1999 |
NUM1777-1999 |
[4 52 789] |
1777 … 1999 |
generic subset for numbers from 2000 - 2400 |
NUM2000-2400 |
[4 53 789] |
2000 … 2400 |
generic subset for numbers from 2401 and up |
NUM2401plus |
[4 54 890] |
2401 … |
word-specific code for million |
NUMmillion |
[4 54 603] |
million |
word-specific code milliard |
NUMmilliard |
[4 54 604] |
milliard |
word-specific code billion |
NUMbillion |
[4 54 605] |
billion |
word-specific code trillion |
NUMtrillion |
[4 54 606] |
trillion |
specific code for asterisk symbol |
NUMast |
[4 60 60] |
specific code for dollar sign |
NUMdolsign |
[4 60 989] |
$ |
specific code for percent sign |
NUMpctsign |
[4 60 980] |
% |
specific code for year with an apostrophe |
NUM’29-‘99 |
[4 90 90] |
‘29-‘99 |
specific code for the roman numerals |
NUMroman |
[4 92 092] |
I, II, III, IV, V, ……. |
specific code for the arithmate-arithmate |
NUMn-n |
[4 94 094] |
2-2 5-3 8-1 |
specific code for miscellaneous arithmate strings |
NUMstring |
[4 96 096] |
1.1 / 83-05-12 |
Special Characters¶
Special Characters occur in Arithmate Word Class [AR] [WC 16] and in Punctuation Word Class [PUNC] [WC 20]. For a complete list of Special Characters, refer to the EXCEL document named “alphanum7” maintained at the Logos Technology Center. This is the definive file for Arithmates, Punctuation, and Special Characters.
ADJECTIVE Supersets¶
Superset |
Mnemonic |
Numeric |
Descriptive Adjectives |
13 (form 23) |
Arithmetic Adjectives |
13 (form 9) |
Past Participial Adjectives |
16 (form 60) |
Present Participial Adjectives |
15 (form 50) |
-ABLE Participial Adjectives |
16 (form 23) |
* See Verb Taxonomy for Generic Participial ADJ Codes. * See Lexicon for word-specific Participial ADJ Codes
Superset |
Mnemonic |
Numeric |
Pre-Clausal |
PC |
[13 86/87/88] |
Pre-Verbal |
PV |
[13 83/84/85] |
Adverbial Type |
AV |
[13 80] |
Adverbial Type with Prepositional Governance |
AV |
[13 17,20,26,46,57,59,68,90] |
Non-Adverbial Type |
[13 81] |
Pure Post-Nominal Type |
[13 81 417] |
Sets and Subsets |
Mnemonic |
Numerics |
Examples |
pure logical [it]; that/to |
PCurgent |
[13 86 432] |
urgent, absurd, feasible |
mixed logical [it/he]; that/to |
PCcertain |
[13 87 438] |
certain, fortunate, unlikely |
mixed logical [it/he]; that/to |
PCgood |
[13 87 439] |
good, odd, silly, smart, great |
non-logical [he]; that/to |
PChappy |
[13 88 442] |
happy, afraid, grateful, sad |
pure logical [it]; that only |
PCclear |
[13 86 433] |
clear, ironic, pertinent, vital |
non-logical [he]; that only |
PCaware |
[13 88 443] |
aware, adamant, cognizant |
Sets and Subsets |
Mnemonic |
Numerics |
Examples |
pure logical [it]; to verb |
PVvalid |
[13 83 418] |
valid, beneficial, pointless, impractical, fraudulent |
mixed logical [it/he]; to v’ing |
PVakin |
[13 84 419] |
akin, conducive, tantamount |
mixed logical [it/he]; to verb |
PVeasy |
[13 84 420] |
easy, dangerous, difficult, hard |
mixed logical [it/he]; to verb |
PVwise |
[13 84 423] |
wise, bol, heroic, humane, polite |
non-logical [he]; to verb |
PVeager |
[13 85 428] |
eager, eligivle, prone, reluctant |
non-logical [he]; to verb; in v’ing |
PVfirst |
[13 85 429] |
first, next, last, second, fifth, etc. |
non-logical [he]; to v’ing; to verb; of v’ing; with v’ing; in v’ing |
PVbusy |
[13 85 430] |
busy, diligent, resolute, handy thorough, versatile, effective |
Sets and Subsets |
Mnemonic |
Numerics |
Examples |
adjectives governing a preposition |
AVxxx |
[13 xxx 180] |
See chart below for specific prep governance and code |
state/manner adjectives |
AVstate |
[13 80 185] |
euphoric, faint, glamorous, heliocentric, helpless, implacable, inane, leisurely, needy, ominous, omnipotent, silent, joyless, laconic, sly |
time/order adjectives |
AVtime |
[13 80 181] |
former, primary |
locative adjectives |
AVloc |
[13 80 182] |
inner, marginal |
quantity/measure adjectives |
AVquan |
[13 80 183] |
minimal, slight, prolific, scarce |
degree/intensity adjectives |
AVdegree |
[13 80 184] |
real, utter, genuine |
* Note: adverb subsets are listed in order of priority.
Preposition |
Mnemonic |
Numerics |
Examples |
Locative prepositions (at, on, in, under, above, etc.) |
AVloc |
13 68 180/417 |
asleep, aground, submersible (in) |
for |
AVfor |
13 46 180/417 |
ineligible, avid, famous, suitable (for) |
from |
AVfrom |
13 26 180/417 |
absent, distinct, inseparable, remote (from) |
in = with respect to (non-locative) |
AVin |
13 20 180/417 |
active, deficient, fluent, foremost, methodical, prevalent, well-versed, unique (in) |
of |
AVof |
13 17 180/417 |
barren, devoid, envious, intolerant, suspsicious (of) |
about/over/on = concerning |
AVabout |
13 90 180/417 |
jittery, joyous, jumpy, obdurate (about/over) |
to |
AVto |
13 57 180/417 |
adjacent, detrimental, extraneous (to) |
with |
AVwith |
13 59 180/417 |
consistent, familiar, incompatible (with) |
* 180=preposed adj; 417=postposed adj
Sets and Subsets |
Mnemonic |
Numerics |
Examples |
predicate adjective type |
NAVpred |
[13 81 186] |
yellow, exploratory |
non-predicate adjective type |
NAVnpred |
[13 81 187] |
bridal, naval |
Sets and Subsets |
Mnemonic |
Numerics |
Examples |
pure post nominal type |
[13 81 417] |
galore, ablaze, fraught, replete, alike, awash |
* Note that Pure Post Nominal Adjectives can govern prepositions, e.g., awash, fraught, ablaze with. When approrpiate, replace 81 set code with set code in PREP GOV Chart above.
Sets and Subsets |
Mnemonic |
Numerics |
Examples |
prefix-type adjectives |
PREmid |
[13 82 100] |
mid-, anti-, omni-, bi-, aero- |
unique subset for re- |
PREre |
[13 82 318] |
re- |
Arithmates as Adjectives¶
Sets and Subsets |
Mnemonic |
Numerics |
Examples |
dates |
NUMdates |
[13 10 176] |
6/2/90 |
mixed numbers |
NUMmixed |
[13 18 818] |
1 1/2; 2 1/4 |
all fractions |
NUMfrac |
[13 19 919] |
1/2 1/3 1/4 |
zero |
NUM0 |
[13 20 020] |
0 |
word-specific code for number one |
NUM1 |
[13 21 123] |
1 |
word-specific code for number two |
NUM2 |
[13 21 222] |
2 |
word-specific code for numbers 3 and 4 |
NUM3-4 |
[13 21 234] |
3, 4 |
generic subset for numbers from 5 - 31 |
NUM5-31 |
[13 21 567] |
5, 6, 7 … 31 |
generic subset for numbers from 32 - 99 |
NUM32-99 |
[13 23 567] |
32 … 99 |
word-specific code for word one hundred |
NUMhundred |
[13 40 601] |
one hundred |
generic subset for numbers from 100 - 999 |
NUM100-999 |
[13 40 789] |
100 … 999 |
word-specific code for one thousand |
NUMthousand |
[13 51 602] |
one thousand |
generic subset for numbers from 1000 - 1776 |
NUM1000-1776 |
[13 51 789] |
1000 … 1776 |
generic subset for numbers from 1777 - 1999 |
NUM1777-1999 |
[13 52 789] |
1777 … 1999 |
generic subset for numbers from 2000 - 2400 |
NUM2000-2400 |
[13 53 789] |
2000 … 2400 |
generic subset for numbers from 2401 and up |
NUM2401 and up |
[13 54 890] |
2401 … |
word-specific code for million |
NUMmillion |
[13 54 603] |
million |
word-specific code milliard |
NUMmilliard |
[13 54 604] |
milliard |
word-specific code billion |
NUMbillion |
[13 54 605] |
billion |
word-specific code trillion |
NUMtrillion |
[13 54 606] |
trillion |
specific code for asterisk symbol |
NUMast |
[13 60 60] |
specific code for dollar sign |
NUMdolsign |
[13 60 989] |
$ |
specific code for percent sign |
NUMpctsign |
[13 60 980] |
% |
specific code for year with an apostrophe |
NUM’29-‘99 |
[13 90] |
‘29-‘99 |
specific code for the roman numerals |
NUMroman |
[13 92 092] |
I, II, III, IV, V, ……. |
specific code for the arithmate-arithmate??? |
NUMn-n |
[13 94 094] |
2-2 5-3 8-1 |
specific code for miscellaneous arithmate strings |
NUMstring |
[13 96 096] |
1.1 / 83-05-12 |
NEG - Negatives [17]¶
Negative |
Mnemonics |
Numerics |
not |
not |
[1 1 460] |
not yet |
notyet |
[1 1 461] |
PRO - Pronouns [5]¶
Class of Pronoun |
Description |
Mnemonic |
Set |
Personal |
(First Person) |
PERfirst |
Set 21 |
Personal |
(Second Person) |
PERsecond |
Set 22 |
Personal |
(Third Person: (Masculine) |
PERmasc |
Set 23 |
Personal |
(Third Person: (Feminine) |
PERfem |
Set 26 |
Personal |
(Third Person: (Neuter) |
PERneut |
Set 27 |
Reflexive |
myself, etc. |
Set 24 |
Reflexive |
one’s, etc. |
REFLone-type |
Set 25 |
Possessive |
hers, etc. |
Set 50 |
Possessive |
her own, etc. |
POSSown-type |
Set 52 |
Indefinite |
(Singular and Plural) |
Set 30 |
Indefinite |
(Plural Only) |
Set 40 |
Indefinite |
(Singular Only) |
Set 42 |
Indefinite |
else/else’s |
INDelse-type |
Set 44 |
Pronouns by Set |
Mnemonics |
Numerics |
Personal (First Person) |
PERfirst |
Set 21 |
I |
I |
[5 21 795] |
me |
me |
[5 21 795] |
we |
we |
[5 21 796] |
us |
us |
[5 21 796] |
Personal (Second Person) |
PERsecond |
Set 22 |
you |
you |
[5 22 797] |
Personal: Masculine (Third Person) |
PERmasc |
Set 23 |
he |
he |
[5 23 798] |
him |
him |
[5 23 798] |
they |
they |
[5 23 799] |
them |
them |
[5 23 799] |
Personal: Feminine (Third Person) |
PERfem |
Set 26 |
she |
she |
[5 26 798] |
her |
her |
[5 26 798] |
Personal: Neuter (Third Person) |
PERneut |
Set 27 |
it |
it |
[1 27 303] |
Reflexive |
Set 24 |
myself |
myself |
[5 24 286] |
ourselves |
ourselves |
[5 24 415] |
yourself |
yourself |
[5 24 454] |
yourselves |
yourselves |
[5 24 496] |
oneself |
oneself |
[5 24 581] |
himself |
himself |
[5 24 582] |
herself |
herself |
[5 24 590] |
itself |
itself |
[5 24 594] |
themselves |
themsleves |
[5 24 631] |
Reflexive |
REFLone-type |
Set 25 |
one |
[classified in dictionary as other POS] |
ones |
ones |
[5 25 802] |
one’s |
one’s |
[5 25 802] |
Possessive |
Set 50 |
mine |
mine |
[5 50 327] |
yours |
yours |
[5 50 328] |
ours |
ours |
[5 50 329] |
his |
his |
[5 50 221] |
theirs |
theirs |
[5 50 330] |
hers |
hers |
[5 50 331] |
Possessive |
POSSown-type |
Set 52 |
own |
own |
[5 52 395] |
her own |
herown |
[5 52 332] |
his own |
hisown |
[5 52 333] |
its own |
itsown |
[5 52 334] |
my own |
myown |
[5 52 335] |
their own |
theirown |
[5 52 336] |
your own |
yourown |
[5 52 337] |
Indefinite (Singular and Plural) |
Set 30 |
all |
all |
[1 30 140] |
any |
any |
[1 30 115] |
enough |
enough |
[1 30 146] |
more |
more |
[1 30 148] |
more … |
more … |
[1 30 202] |
most |
most |
[1 30 149] |
no other |
noother |
[1 30 231] |
none |
none |
[1 30 203] |
none at all |
noneatall |
[1 30 204] |
some |
some |
[1 30 151] |
that |
(See Relatives/Interrogatives) |
these |
these |
[1 30 102] |
this |
this |
[1 30 102] |
those |
those |
[1 30 103] |
Indefinite (Plural Only) |
Set 40 |
a couple |
acouple |
[1 40 280] |
a few |
afew |
[1 40 245] |
all k of things |
allkofthings |
[1 40 281] |
both |
both |
[1 40 250] |
few |
few |
[1 40 251] |
fewer |
fewer |
[1 40 252] |
many |
many |
[1 40 253] |
quite a few |
quiteafew |
[1 40 263] |
several |
several |
[1 40 266] |
the two of them |
thetwoofthem |
[1 40 274] |
too many |
toomany |
[1 40 255] |
very few |
veryfew |
[1 40 273] |
Indefinite (Singular Only) |
Set 42 |
a little bit |
alittlebit |
[1 42 361] |
a little more |
alittlemore |
[1 42 347] |
another |
another |
[1 42 317] |
anybody |
anybody |
[1 42 378] |
anybody else |
anybodyelse |
[1 42 501] |
anyone |
anyone |
[1 42 362] |
anyone else |
anyoneelse |
[1 42 502] |
anything |
anything |
[1 42 363] |
anything else |
anythingelse |
[1 42 503] |
each |
each |
[1 42 319] |
each one |
eachone |
[1 42 364] |
each other |
eachother |
[1 42 375] |
each thing |
eachthing |
[1 42 365] |
either |
either |
[1 42 825] |
everybody |
everybody |
[1 42 379] |
everybody else |
everybodyelse |
[1 42 505] |
everyone |
everyone |
[1 42 380] |
everyone else |
everyoneelse |
[1 42 506] |
everything |
everything |
[1 42 366] |
everything else |
everythingelse |
[1 42 507] |
less |
less |
[1 42 341] |
little |
little |
[1 42 342] |
much |
much |
[1 42 343] |
neither |
neither |
[1 42 821] |
no one else |
nooneelse |
[1 42 509] |
nobody |
nobody |
[1 42 381] |
nobody else |
nobodyelse |
[1 42 510] |
nothing |
nothing |
[1 42 368] |
nothing else |
nothingelse |
[1 42 511] |
one another |
oneanother |
[1 42 369] |
one’s own |
one’sown |
[1 42 513] |
our own |
ourown |
[1 42 514] |
plenty |
lenty |
[1 42 360] |
self |
self |
[1 42 227] |
selves |
selves |
[1 42 227] |
somebody |
somebody |
[1 42 377] |
somebody else |
somebodyelse |
[1 42 515] |
someone |
someone |
[1 42 370] |
someone else |
someoneelse |
[1 42 516] |
something |
something |
[1 42 371] |
something else |
somethingelse |
[1 42 517] |
such a thing |
suchathing |
[1 42 372] |
too much |
toomuch |
[1 42 344] |
very little |
verylittle |
[1 42 345] |
Indefinite |
INDelse-type |
Set 44 |
else |
else |
[1 44 396] |
else’s |
else’s |
[1 44 396] |
Pronouns |
Mnemonic |
Numerics |
a couple |
acouple |
[1 40 280] |
a few |
afew |
[1 40 245] |
a little bit |
alittlebit |
[1 42 361] |
a little more |
alittlemore |
[1 42 347] |
all |
all |
[1 30 140] |
all k of things |
allkofthings |
[1 40 281] |
another |
another |
[1 42 317] |
any |
any |
[1 30 115] |
anybody |
anybody |
[1 42 378] |
anybody else |
anybodyelse |
[1 42 501] |
anyone |
anyone |
[1 42 362] |
anyone else |
anyoneelse |
[1 42 502] |
anything |
anything |
[1 42 363] |
anything else |
anythingelse |
[1 42 503] |
both |
both |
[1 40 250] |
each |
each |
[1 42 319] |
each one |
eachone |
[1 42 364] |
each other |
eachother |
[1 42 375] |
each thing |
eachthing |
[1 42 365] |
either |
either |
[1 42 825] |
else |
else |
[1 44 396] |
else’s |
else’s |
[1 44 396] |
enough |
enough |
[1 30 146] |
everybody |
everybody |
[1 42 379] |
everybody else |
everybodyelse |
[1 42 505] |
everyone |
everyone |
[1 42 380] |
everyone else |
everyoneelse |
[1 42 506] |
everything |
everything |
[1 42 366] |
everything else |
everythingelse |
[1 42 507] |
few |
few |
[1 40 251] |
fewer |
fewer |
[1 40 252] |
he |
he |
[5 23 798] |
her |
her |
[5 26 798] |
her own |
herown |
[5 52 332] |
hers |
hers |
[5 50 331] |
herself |
herself |
[5 24 590] |
him |
him |
[5 23 798] |
himself |
himself |
[5 24 582] |
his |
his |
[5 50 221] |
his own |
hisown |
[5 52 333] |
I |
I |
[5 21 795] |
it |
it |
[5 27 303] |
its own |
itsown |
[5 52 334] |
itself |
itself |
[5 24 594] |
less |
less |
[1 42 341] |
little |
little |
[1 42 342] |
many |
many |
[1 40 253] |
me |
me |
[5 21 795] |
mine |
mine |
[5 50 327] |
more |
more |
[1 30 148] |
more … |
more … |
[1 30 202] |
most |
most |
[1 30 149] |
much |
much |
[1 42 343] |
my own |
myown |
[5 52 335] |
myself |
myself |
[5 24 286] |
neither |
neither |
[1 42 821] |
no one else |
nooneelse |
[1 42 509] |
no other |
noother |
[1 30 231] |
nobody |
nobody |
[1 42 381] |
nobody else |
nobodyelse |
[1 42 510] |
none |
none |
[1 30 203] |
none at all |
noneatall |
[1 30 204] |
nothing |
nothing |
[1 42 368] |
nothing else |
nothingelse |
[1 42 511] |
one |
(stored as other POS) |
ones |
ones |
[5 25 802] |
one’s |
one’s |
[5 25 802] |
one’s own |
one’sown |
[1 42 513] |
one another |
oneanother |
[1 42 369] |
oneself |
oneself |
[5 24 581] |
our own |
ourown |
[1 42 514] |
ours |
ours |
[5 50 329] |
ourselves |
ourselves |
[5 24 415] |
own |
own |
[5 52 395] |
plenty |
lenty |
[1 42 360] |
quite a few |
quiteafew |
[1 40 263] |
self |
self |
[1 42 227] |
selves |
selves |
[1 42 227] |
several |
several |
[1 40 266] |
she |
she |
[5 26 798] |
some |
some |
[1 30 151] |
somebody |
somebody |
[1 42 377] |
somebody else |
somebodyelse |
[1 42 515] |
someone |
someone |
[1 42 370] |
someone else |
someoneelse |
[1 42 516] |
something |
something |
[1 42 371] |
something else |
somethingelse |
[1 42 517] |
such a thing |
suchathing |
[1 42 372] |
that |
(See Relatives/Interrogatives) |
the two of them |
thetwoofthem |
[1 40 274] |
their own |
theirown |
[5 52 336] |
theirs |
theirs |
[5 50 330] |
them |
them |
[5 23 799] |
themselves |
themsleves |
[5 24 631] |
these |
these |
[1 30 102] |
they |
they |
[5 23 799] |
this |
this |
[1 30 102] |
those |
those |
[1 30 103] |
too many |
toomany |
[1 40 255] |
too much |
toomuch |
[1 42 344] |
us |
us |
[5 21 796] |
very few |
veryfew |
[1 40 273] |
very little |
verylittle |
[1 42 345] |
we |
we |
[5 21 796] |
you |
you |
[5 22 797] |
your own |
yourown |
[5 52 337] |
yours |
yours |
[5 50 328] |
yourself |
yourself |
[5 24 454] |
yourselves |
yourselves |
[5 24 496] |
INTREL - Relatives/Interrogatives [18]¶
Description |
Mnemonic |
Superset/Set |
Relatives (Mixed) |
Superset 1 |
that/which, etc. |
THATtype |
Set 1 |
whatever-type |
Set 48 |
Interrogatives |
Superset 02 |
How/What Type |
HOW/WHATtype |
Set 20 |
Quantitative |
Set 21 |
Temporal |
Set 22 |
Place |
PL |
Set 24 |
Reason |
Set 26 |
Type |
Mnemonic |
Numeric |
THATtype |
Set 01 |
that |
that |
[1 01 103] |
which |
which |
[1 01 392] |
who |
who |
[1 01 401] |
whom |
whom |
[1 01 401] |
whose |
whose |
[1 01 402] |
whereby |
(See WC 19) |
Set 48 |
whatever |
whatever |
[1 48 122] |
whichever |
whichever |
[1 48 123] |
whoever |
whoever |
[1 48 403] |
whomever |
whomever |
[1 48 403] |
(how/what set) |
Set 20 |
how |
how |
[2 20 410] |
what |
what |
[2 20 393] |
to what extent |
towhatextent |
[2 20 976] |
(quantitive set) |
Set 21 |
how far |
howfar |
[2 21 420] |
how many |
howmany |
[2 21 390] |
how much |
howmuch |
[2 21 391] |
(temporal set) |
Set 22 |
at what time |
atwhattime |
[2 22 926] |
when |
(See WC 19, Superset 04) |
(place set) |
PL |
Set 24 |
from where |
fromwhere |
[2 24 441] |
where |
where |
[2 24 440] |
wherever |
wherever |
[2 24 442] |
(reason set) |
Set 26 |
why |
why |
[2 26 450] |
the fact that |
thefactthat |
[2 26 963] |
Relative |
Mnemonic |
Numeric |
Relative |
Mnemonic |
Numeric |
at what time |
atwhattime |
[2 22 926] |
from where |
fromwhere |
[2 24 441] |
how |
how |
[2 20 410] |
how far |
howfar |
[2 21 420] |
how many |
howmany |
[2 21 390] |
how much |
howmuch |
[2 21 391] |
that |
that |
[1 01 103] |
the fact that |
thefactthat |
[2 26 963] |
to what extent |
towhatextent |
[2 20 976] |
what |
what |
[2 20 393] |
whatever |
whatever |
[1 48 122] |
when |
(See WC 19, Superset 04) |
where |
where |
[2 24 440] |
whereby |
whereby |
[See WC 19]] |
wherever |
wherever |
[2 24 442] |
which |
which |
[1 01 392] |
whichever |
whichever |
[1 48 123] |
who |
who |
[1 01 401] |
whoever |
whoever |
[1 48 403] |
whom |
whom |
[1 01 401] |
whomever |
whomever |
[1 48 403] |
whose |
whose |
[1 01 402] |
why |
why |
[2 26 450] |
AUXMO - Auxiliary/Modal Verbs [WC 12]¶
Superset |
Mnemonic |
Numeric |
Auxiliaries |
Supersets 1, 2, 3, 4 |
Modals |
Superset 6 |
Subjunctive Modals |
Superset 7 |
Particles |
Superset 8 |
Miscellaneous |
Superset 10 |
Ambiguous Contractions |
Superset 12 |
Auxiliary/Modal Verbs |
Mnemonics |
Numerics |
Auxiliaries |
Supersets 1, 2, 3, 4 |
be |
AUXbe |
[1 60 886] |
have |
AUXhave |
[2 88 710] |
do |
AUXdo |
[3 33 466] |
would |
AUXwould |
[4 17 887] |
will (set) |
AUXwill-type |
shall |
AUXshall |
[4 20 893] |
will |
AUXwill |
[4 20 894] |
Modals |
Superset 6 |
ought (set) |
MODcan-type |
can |
MODcan |
[6 21 735] |
cannot |
MODcannot |
[6 21 895] |
may |
MODmay |
[6 22 896] |
must |
MODmust |
[6 23 897] |
have to |
MODhaveto |
[6 24 898] |
Subjunctive Modals |
Superset 7 |
ought (set) |
SMODought-type |
[7 16] |
should |
SMODshould |
[7 16 912] |
ought |
SMODought |
[7 16 951] |
ought to |
SMODoughtto |
[7 16 951] |
ought not to |
SMODoughtnotto |
[7 16 867] |
could |
SMODcould |
[7 18 948] |
might |
SMODmight |
[7 19 965] |
Particles |
Superset 8 |
particle (set) |
PARTto-type |
[8 8] |
to |
PARTto |
[8 8 945] |
in order to |
PARTinorderto |
[8 8 946] |
Miscellaneous |
Superset 10 |
about to |
MISCaboutto |
[10 10 899] |
supposed to |
MISCsupposedto |
[10 10 751] |
Ambiguous Contractions |
Superset 12 |
is/has (ambiguous contractions) |
AUXis/has |
[12 12 886] |
had/would (ambiguous contractions) |
AUXhad/would |
[12 12 710] |
* List by Superset
Auxiliary/Modal Verbs |
Mnemonics |
Numerics |
about to |
MISCaboutto |
[10 10 899] |
be |
AUXbe |
[1 60 886] |
can |
MODcan |
[6 21 735] |
cannot |
MODcannot |
[6 21 895] |
could |
SMODcould |
[7 18 948] |
do |
AUXdo |
[3 33 466] |
had/would (ambiguous contraction: He’d spoken. He’d do that. ) |
AUXhad/would |
[12 12 710] |
have |
AUXhave |
[2 88 710] |
have to |
MODhaveto |
[6 24 898] |
in order to |
PARTinorderto |
[8 08 946] |
is/has (ambiguous contraction: John’s gone) |
AUXis/has |
[12 12 886] |
may |
MODmay |
[6 22 896] |
might |
SMODmight |
[7 19 965] |
must |
MODmust |
[6 23 897] |
ought |
SMODought |
[7 16 951] |
ought not to |
SMODoughtnotto |
[7 16 867] |
ought to |
SMODoughtto |
[7 16 951] |
shall |
AUXshall |
[4 20 893] |
should |
SMODshould |
[7 16 912] |
supposed to |
MISCsupposedto |
[10 10 751] |
to |
PARTto |
[8 08 945] |
will |
AUXwill |
[4 20 894] |
would |
AUXwould |
[4 17 887] |
* Alpha List
Verbs [WC 02]¶
Superset |
Mnemonic |
Numeric |
Transitive Verbs |
VT |
WC 02 |
Intransitive Verbs |
VI |
WC 02 |
Superset |
Mnemonic |
Numeric |
Weak Transitives |
Subjective Transitive |
[4] |
Reciprocal Transitive |
[13] |
Strong Transitives |
Objective Transitive |
[2] |
Objective Transitive |
[7] |
Di-Transitive |
[9] |
Pre-Process |
[6] |
Simple Pre-Verbal |
[5] |
Pre-Verbal Di-Transitive |
[14] |
Pre-Clausal |
[3] |
Pre-Clausal/Verbal |
[8] |
Superset |
Mnemonic |
Numeric |
Motional |
[10] |
Existential |
[11] |
Operational |
[12] |
Patterns |
Mnemonics |
Numerics |
Examples |
The sculptor created a statue. |
OBHUMundif |
[2 21, 92, 75, 98} |
create, etc. |
The boy stole apples from the orchard. The dean praised her for her contributions. |
OBHUM (+ prep governance) |
[2 xx] |
praise, steal, etc. |
* Human Subject
Patterns |
Mnemonics |
Numerics |
Examples |
The sprayer shellacked the surface. |
OBTRundif |
[7 21, 92, 75, 98} |
shellac |
They increased the count to ten. The machine pressed the grommet into place. |
OBTR (+ prep governance) |
[7 xx] |
abbreviate, increase, press |
* Undifferentiated Subject
Patterns |
Mnemonics |
Numerics |
Examples |
We doubt that … |
PCLdoubt-type |
[3 53] |
doubt, ensure, calculate |
We declared that … We declared to them that … We declared them to be … We declared them the … |
PCLdeclare-type |
[3 22] |
declare, believe, predict |
We answered that … We informed them that … |
PCLinform-type |
[3 30] |
inform, notify, grant |
We explained that … We explained to them that … |
PCLexplain-type |
[3 32] |
explain, indicate, relate |
It strikes me that … |
PCLstrike-type |
[3 87] |
strike, bet, wager |
Patterns |
Mnemonics |
Numerics |
Examples |
They regard him to be … |
SUBTRregard-type |
[4 38] |
rate, regard, pronounce |
Patterns |
Mnemonics |
Numerics |
Examples |
V V’ing or PN |
PREVfinish-type |
[5 40] |
finish, practice, resume |
V V’ing or V to V |
PREVbegin-type |
[5 48] |
being, continue, start |
V to V |
PREVfail-type |
[5 49] |
fail, grow, refuse |
Patterns |
Mnemonics |
Numerics |
Examples |
N V PN - or - N V Verbal Intangible |
PREPRaccomplish-type |
[6 33] |
accomplish, instigate, perform |
Patterns |
Mnemonics |
Numerics |
Examples |
V to V, V th-/wh- |
PRECVagree-type |
[8 55] |
agree, claim, decide |
V N to V, V N th-/wh-, V N of N |
PRECVtell-type |
[8 62] |
convince, persuade, tell |
V to V, V N to V, V that …, V N th-/wh- |
PRECVask-type |
[8 63] |
ask, promise, beg |
V to V, V N to V, V th-/wh- |
PRECVwish-type |
[8 91] |
desire, determine, expect |
V N to V, V th-/wh- |
PRECVenjoin-type |
[8 65] |
command, direct, enjoin |
V one’s V’ing, V to V’ing, V th-/wh-, V to N that …, V N N, V N as N, V N to N |
PRECVadmit-type |
[8 85] |
admit, confess, report |
V one’s V’ing, V one V’ing, V th-/wh- |
PRECVrecall-type |
[8 45] |
recall, anticipate, recollect |
V N V’ing, V N V, V th-/wh- |
PRECVsee-type |
[8 43] |
see, hear, notice |
V N to V, V N that …, V that … |
PRECVwarn-type |
[8 50] |
warn, advise, instruct |
V V’ing, V that …, V N to N and V N N, V to V, V N to V, V N that N V (subjunc) |
PRECVintend-type |
[8 42] |
intend, prefer, remember |
It V N to V, It V N that …, N be PP that … |
PRECVplease-type |
[8 77] |
please, amuse, concern |
Patterns |
Mnemonics |
Numerics |
Examples |
They contributed money to … (requires to) |
DITRdispense-type |
[9 32] |
address, allocate, dispense |
She gave him the book. (optional to) |
DITRgive-type |
[9 37] |
pass, allot, give |
He bought her a ring. (optional for) |
DITRfetch-type |
[9 41] |
buy, procure, win |
They furnished us the answers. (optional to, with) |
DITRprovide-type |
[9 39] |
supply, provide, furnish |
Patterns |
Mnemonics |
Numerics |
Examples |
The contract includes an escape clause. |
RECTRinclude-type |
[13 54] |
include, exude, contain |
They located pearls in the drawer. The unit exuded oil from the cracks. |
RECTR (+ prep governance) |
[13 xx] |
descend, disgorge, discard |
Patterns |
Mnemonics |
Numerics |
Examples |
V N to V, V V’ing (limited application) |
PREVDIpermit-type |
[14 93] |
enable, favor, permit |
V N to V (limited application) - or - V N to V’ing |
PREVDIaccustom-type |
[14 34] |
accustom, dedicate, equate |
V N to V - or - V N in/into V’ing |
PREVDIaid-type |
[14 67] |
aid, assist, involve |
V N to V (obligatory), V to V (obligatory), V N V’ing (possible), V N PstP (possible), V V’ing (for love and like only) |
PREVDIdare-type |
[14 89] |
dare, get, like |
V N from V’ing, V one’s V’ing |
PREVDIbar-type |
[14 83] |
bar, inhibit, prevent |
V V’ing, V N from V’ing, V one’s V’ing |
PREVDIkeep-type |
[14 36] |
keep, preclude, stop |
V N V’ing |
PREVDIleave-type |
[14 23] |
leave, behold |
V N to V, N is V’d N / V N N, N is V’d as N |
PREVDIappoint-type |
[14 95] |
appoint, designate, qualify |
V N Prep V’ing, V one’s V’ing (limited application) |
PREVDmisc-type |
[14 70] |
accuse, credit, criticize |
V N V, N V’d to V (limited application), V V (help only) |
PREVDIbid-type |
[14 88] |
bid, help, let |
Patterns |
Mnemonics |
Numerics |
Examples |
They walked into the room. |
INMOinto-type |
[10 24] |
walk, go, depart, run, fly |
They danced in the streets. |
INMOin-type |
[10 68] |
sail, dance |
Patterns |
Mnemonics |
Numerics |
Examples |
She is the valedictorian of her class. |
INEXbe |
[11 60] |
be |
He remained a Democrat all his life. |
She remained at the seashore all summer. |
INEXbecome-type |
[11 61] |
become, remain |
Their voices sounded cheerful. |
INEXgrow-type |
[11 64] |
grow, look, sound |
He seemed happy with the results. |
It seems that the operation was successful. |
INEXseem-type |
[11 76] |
seem, appear |
Patterns |
Mnemonics |
Numerics |
Examples |
She sings well. |
INOPmisc |
[12 29, 31, 97] |
end, sing, open |
He stood in the rain. |
INOPloc |
[12 68] |
stand, sleep, |
INOPpcl |
[12 69] |
They refrained from smoking. They conspired to defeat the candidate. |
INOPprev |
[12 72] |
refrain, conspire, participate, persist, desist |
Word Class |
Mnemonic |
Numeric |
Supersets |
Locative Adverbs |
WC 03 |
temporal, spatial, etc. |
Non-Locative Adverbs |
WC 06 |
manner, degree, etc. |
* Note to Rulewriters
During analysis phase (PARSE 1), the two Adverbial Word Classes are combined under the single ADV [WC03] word class. Distinctions between the two classes are preserved at the set and subset level.
Sets and Supersets |
Mnemonic |
Numeric |
Temporal adverbs |
[10] |
punctual temporal (e.g., right now) |
TEMPpunc |
[10 91] |
durative temporal (e.g., forever) |
TEMPdur |
[10 92] |
undifferentiated temporal (e.g., someday) |
TEMPundif |
[10 93] |
Spatial (e.g., inside) |
[11] |
Verb Particles (that can act as adverbs) (e.g., about) |
[12] |
Stative constructions (e.g., pro tem) |
[13] |
Rank/Order (e.g., consecutively) |
[14] |
Frequency (e.g., always) |
[15] |
Sets and Supersets |
Mnemonic |
Numeric |
Manner (e.g., carefully, by hand) |
[18] |
Sentence adverbs (e.g., usually) |
[21] |
Clausal phrase (e.g., if necessary) |
CL |
[22] |
Probability (e.g., probably) |
[23] |
Intensifier (adverbs of degree) |
no code |
no code |
preadverbial intensifier (e.g., very soon) |
INTpreav |
[20] |
prenominal intensifer (e.g., just coffee ) |
INTpren |
[24] |
pre-pre-adverbial intensifier (e.g., so very soon) |
INTprepre |
[25] |
pre-adjectival/pre-participial intensifier (e.g., well-said) |
INTpreaj |
[27] |
postposed adverb intensifier (e.g., food enough) |
INTpost |
[28] |
Subset Designation |
Mnemonic |
Numeric |
Examples |
adverbs expressing concept of punctual time |
TEMPpunc |
[10 91 91] |
subset for adverbs designating past time |
TEMPpuncpast |
[10 91 540] |
a long time ago, at an early stage, formerly, just recently, yesterday, previously |
subset for adverbs designating present time |
TEMPpuncpres |
[10 91 541] |
right now, right this minute, etc. |
subset for adverbs designating future time |
TEMPpuncfut |
[10 91 542] |
eventually, in a little while, momentarily, shortly, soon, later |
undifferentiated adverb phrases denoting punctuality |
TEMPpuncundif |
[10 91 543] |
at one time or another, early, immediately, instantaneously, instantly |
temporal adverb phrases that can precede “of” |
TEMPofphr |
[10 91 681] |
at this point, at the very beginning |
word-specific code |
TEMPalready |
[10 91 302] |
already |
word-specific code |
TEMPatonetime |
[10 91 303] |
at one time |
word-specific code |
TEMPbythattime |
[10 91 335] |
by that time |
Subset Designation |
Mnemonic |
Numeric |
Examples |
adverbs expressing concept of duration |
TEMPdur |
[10 92 92] |
subset for durative adverbs designating past time |
TEMPdurpast |
[10 92 540] |
ever since then, etc. |
subset for durative adverbs designating present time |
TEMPdurpres |
[10 92 541] |
at the present time, now, currently, for the time being, nowadays |
subset for durative adverbs designating future time |
TEMPdurfut |
[10 92 542] |
henceforth, heretofore, until further notice |
undifferentiated adverb phrases expressing duration of undiff. time |
TEMPdurundif |
[10 92 543] |
at all times, forever, full-time, temporarily, year-round, ad infinitum, from moment to moment, in the short term |
word-specific code |
TEMPever |
[10 92 304] |
ever |
word-specific code |
TEMPnever |
[10 92 322] |
never |
Subset Designation |
Mnemonic |
Numeric |
Examples |
subset for undifferentiated temporal adverbs of undifferentiated time |
TEMPundif |
[10 93 543] |
thereafter, apropros, hereinafter, ahead of schedule, ahead of time, at any one time, indefinitely, punctually, etc. |
subset for undifferentiated adverbs designating past time |
TEMPpast |
[10 93 540] |
at length, etc. |
subset for undifferentiated adverbs designating present time |
TEMPpres |
[10 93 541] |
immanently, etc. |
subset for undifferentiated adverbs designating future time |
TEMPfut |
[10 93 542] |
in due course, someday, sometime |
Subset Designation |
Mnemonic |
Numeric |
Examples |
adverbs denoting place or direction (spatial) |
[11 11 11] |
inside, to the right, underneath, alongside, downstairs, elsewhere, globally, online, overseas |
spatial adverb phrases that can precede “of” |
SPATof phr |
[11 11 681] |
en route, in opposite directions, in sight, on top |
spatial adverb phrases that can precede a noun |
SPATajphr |
[11 11 682] |
bottom front, counter-clockwise, incoming/ outgoing, off-line, world-wide |
undifferentiated spatial adverb phrases |
SPATphr |
[11 11 683] |
at the bottom of the screen, at the top of the file, backwards and forwards, far and near, in mid-flight |
word-specific code |
SPATthere |
[11 11 350] |
there |
word-specific code |
SPATanywhere |
[11 11 351] |
anywhere |
word-specific code |
SPATatthebeginning |
[11 11 353] |
at the beginning |
word-specific code |
SPATherein |
[11 11 357] |
herein |
word-specific code |
SPAThere |
[11 11 359] |
here |
word-specific code |
SPATthereon |
[11 11 377] |
thereon |
word-specific code |
SPATabroad |
[11 11 521] |
abroad |
word-specific code |
SPATaboard |
[11 11 537] |
aboard |
word-specific code |
SPATabeam |
[11 11 590] |
abeam |
word-specific code |
SPATalongside |
[11 11 596] |
alongside |
word-specific code |
SPATfrominside |
[11 11 673] |
from inside |
word-specific code |
SPATfromoutside |
[11 11 678] |
from outside |
word-specific code |
SPATfromwithin |
[11 11 696] |
from within |
word-specific code |
SPATunderneath |
[11 11 733] |
underneath |
word-specific code |
SPATabaft |
[11 11 796] |
abaft |
Subset Designation |
Mnemonic |
Numeric |
Examples |
verb particles that can act as adverbs |
Word-Specific Codes |
Uniquely-Coded Words |
word-specific code |
PARTabout |
[12 12 591] |
about |
word-specific code |
PARTabove |
[12 12 746] |
above |
word-specific code |
PARTacross |
[12 12 747] |
across |
word-specific code |
PARTahead |
[12 12 409] |
ahead |
word-specific code |
PARTalong |
[12 12 595] |
along |
word-specific code |
PARTallthewayaround |
[12 12 594] |
all the way around |
word-specific code |
PARTapart |
[12 12 577] |
apart |
word-specific code |
PARTaround |
[12 12 598] |
around |
word-specific code |
PARTaside |
[12 12 352] |
aside |
word-specific code |
PARTatfullspeed |
[12 20 718] |
at full speed |
word-specific code |
PARTaway |
[12 12 354] |
away |
word-specific code |
PARTbackward |
[12 12 403] |
backward |
word-specific code |
PARTbackwards |
[12 12 408] |
backwards |
word-specific code |
PARTbehind |
[12 12 798] |
behind |
word-specific code |
PARTbelow |
[12 12 726] |
below |
word-specific code |
PARTby |
[12 12 132] |
by |
word-specific code |
PARTdown |
[12 12 728] |
down |
word-specific code |
PARTforward |
[12 20 718] |
forward |
word-specific code |
PARTforwards |
[12 12 720] |
forwards |
word-specific code |
PARTforth |
[12 12 410] |
forth |
word-specific code |
PARTfront |
[12 12 407] |
front |
word-specific code |
PARTfwd |
[12 20 718] |
fwd |
word-specific code |
PARTfwd. |
[12 20 718] |
fwd. |
word-specific code |
PARTin |
[12 12 481] |
in |
word-specific code |
PARTinside |
[12 12 486] |
inside |
word-specific code |
PARTinsideout |
[12 12 489] |
inside out |
word-specific code |
PARTnear |
[12 12 623] |
near |
word-specific code |
PARToff |
[12 12 690] |
off |
word-specific code |
PARToffandon |
[12 12 424] |
off and on |
word-specific code |
PARTofforon |
[12 12 425] |
off or on |
word-specific code |
PARTon |
[12 12 522] |
on |
word-specific code |
PARTon-and-off;onandoff |
[12 12 422] |
on-and-off; on and off |
word-specific code |
PARTonoroff |
[12 12 423] |
on or off |
word-specific code |
PARTout |
[12 12 697] |
out |
word-specific code |
PARToutside |
[12 12 699] |
outside |
word-specific code |
PARTover |
[12 12 748] |
over |
word-specific code |
PARTpast |
[12 12 801] |
past |
word-specific code |
PARTthrough |
[12 12 703] |
through |
word-specific code |
PARTto |
[12 12 945] |
to |
word-specific code |
PARTtogether |
[12 12 158] |
together |
word-specific code |
PARTunder |
[12 12 732] |
under |
word-specific code |
PARTup |
[12 12 749] |
up |
Subset Designation |
Mnemonic |
Numeric |
Examples |
stative constructions |
[13 13 13] |
alone, c.o.d., okay, under construction, underway, upright |
stative phrase that can precede “of” |
STATof phr |
[13 13 681] |
on account, on approval, on delivery |
stative phrase that can precede a noun |
STATajphr |
[13 13 682] |
citywide, companywide, in bulk, in depth, nationwide, per capita |
undifferentiated stative phrases |
STATphr |
[13 13 683] |
at any cost, in the long run, in the limelight, on credit, on tap, out of order, pro tem |
word-specific code |
STATalike |
[13 13 575] |
alike |
word-specific code |
STATinadvance |
[13 13 616] |
in advance |
word-specific code |
STATinandout |
[13 13 583] |
in and out |
Subset Designation |
Mnemonic |
Numeric |
Examples |
adverbs denoting rank or order |
[14 14 14] |
alternately, beforehand, consecutively, initially, sequentially, successively, last, second, fifth, fifteenth, |
undifferentiated adverb phrases denoting rank or order |
RANKphr |
[14 14 683] |
in reverse order, in succession, in the proper sequence, on a one to one basis, thirty-first, etc. |
word-specific code |
RANKatonce |
[14 14 752] |
at once |
word-specific code |
RANKfirst |
[14 14 753] |
first |
word-specific code |
RANKprimarily |
[14 14 756] |
primarily |
Subset Designation |
Mnemonic |
Numeric |
Examples |
adverbs denoting frequencey |
[15 15 15] |
always, annually, daily, concurrently, constantly, endlessly, frequently, often, incessantly, regularly, seldom |
frequency phrase that can precede “of” |
FREQof phr |
[15 15 681] |
on request, etc. |
undifferentiated adverb phrases of frequency |
FREQphr |
[15 15 683] |
day after day, every so often, from time to time, now and again, on occasion, over and over |
word-specific code |
FREQagain |
[15 15 786] |
again |
word-specific code |
FREQhereof |
[15 15 789] |
hereof |
word-specific code |
FREQonce |
[15 15 787] |
once |
word-specific code |
FREQthereof |
[15 15 789] |
thereof |
word-specific code |
FREQtwice |
[15 15 788] |
twice |
Subset Designation |
Mnemonic |
Numeric |
Examples |
adverb of manner (how) |
[18 18 18] |
abruptly, capably, discernibly, freely, impartially, literally, routinely persistently, |
adverb phrase that can precede a noun |
MANRajphr |
[18 18 682] |
ad hoc, by airmail, face-to-face, from scratch, non-stop, step-by-step |
undifferentiated adverb phrase |
MANRphr |
[18 18 683] |
at random, ex officio, head to foot, upside down, with abandon |
word-specific code |
MANRbest |
[18 18 102] |
best |
word-specific code |
MANRinthebestpossway |
[18 18 102] |
in the best possible way |
word-specific code |
MANRbetter |
[18 18 103] |
better |
word-specific code |
MANRpre |
[18 18 317] |
pre- |
word-specific code |
MANRre |
[18 18 318] |
re- |
word-specific code |
MANRnon |
[18 18 319] |
non- |
word-specific code |
MANRsemi |
[18 18 319] |
semi- |
word-specific code |
MANRde |
[18 18 321] |
de- |
word-specific code |
MANRinter |
[18 18 324] |
inter- |
word-specific code |
MANRun |
[18 18 325] |
un- |
word-specific code |
MANRcontra |
[18 18 326] |
contra- |
word-specific code |
MANRdis |
[18 18 327] |
dis- |
word-specific code |
MANRmis |
[18 18 329] |
mis- |
word-specific code |
MANRtrans |
[18 18 330] |
trans- |
word-specific code |
MANRbi |
[18 18 331] |
bi- |
word-specific code |
MANRinmoredetail |
[18 18 684] |
in more detail |
Subset Designation |
Mnemonic |
Numeric |
Examples |
pre-adverbial adverbs expressing intensity or degreee |
INTpreav |
[20 20 20] |
amazingly, extremely, intensively, largely, moderately, passably, pretty, surprisingly |
word-specific code |
INTmore |
[20 20 148] |
more |
word-specific code |
INTmost |
[20 20 149] |
most |
word-specific code |
INTfarmore |
[20 20 150] |
far more |
word-specific code |
INTfairly |
[20 20 153] |
fairly |
word-specific code |
INTleast |
[20 20 160] |
least |
word-specific code |
INTquite |
[20 20 163] |
quite |
word-specific code |
INTtoo |
[20 20 170] |
too |
word-specific code |
INTvery |
[20 20 171] |
very |
word-specific code |
INTless |
[20 20 341] |
less |
word-specific code |
INTalittlemore |
[20 20 347] |
a little more |
word-specific code |
INTalittlebit |
[20 20 361] |
a little bit |
Subset Designation |
Mnemonic |
Numeric |
Examples |
pre-nominal adverbs expressing intensity or degree |
INTpren |
[24 24 270] |
by far, either in whole or in part, in whole or in part, mostly, particularly, predominantly, preferably, solely, strictly, surely |
word-specific code |
INTespecially |
[24 24 271] |
especially |
word-specific code |
INTjust |
[24 24 272] |
just |
word-specific code |
INTmerely |
[24 24 273] |
merely |
word-specific code |
INTonly |
[24 24 274] |
only |
word-specific code |
INTtoomuch |
[24 24 344] |
too much |
word-specific code |
INTeven |
[24 24 933] |
even |
word-specific code |
INThardly |
[24 24 291] |
hardly |
word-specific code |
INTalmost |
[24 24 151] |
almost |
Subset Designation |
Mnemonic |
Numeric |
Examples |
pre-preadverbial adverbs expressing intensity or degree |
INTprepre |
[25 25 281] |
considerably, eminently, increasingly, infinitely, relatively, remarkably, significantly, substantially |
word-specific code |
INTreally |
[25 25 164] |
really |
word-specific code |
INTso |
[25 25 167] |
so |
word-specific code |
INTsomewhat |
[25 25 168] |
somewhat |
word-specific code |
INTslightly |
[25 25 282] |
slightly |
word-specific code |
INTfar |
[25 25 283] |
far |
word-specific code |
INTmuch |
[25 25 343] |
much |
Subset Designation |
Mnemonic |
Numeric |
Examples |
pre-descriptive / pre-participial adverbs denoting intensity or degree |
INTpreadj |
[28 28 28] |
absolutely, decreasingly, fully, partially, rarely, thoroughly, utterly |
word-specific code |
INTall |
[28 28 140] |
all |
word-specific code |
INTcompletely |
[28 28 152] |
completely |
word-specific codee |
INTfull |
[28 28 154] |
full |
word-specific code |
INTwell |
[28 28 172] |
well |
Subset Designation |
Mnemonic |
Numeric |
Examples |
post-adjectival adverbs denoting intensity or degree |
INTpost |
[27 27 27] |
apiece, etc. |
word-specific code |
INTenough |
[27 27 146] |
enough |
Subset Designation |
Mnemonic |
Numeric |
Examples |
sentence adverbs |
[21 21 21] |
as a rule, basically, to wit, fundamentally, ideally, most of all, anyhow, anyway, correspondingly, evidently, overall, in retrospect |
word-specific code |
SENTplease |
[21 21 208] |
please |
word-specific code |
SENTadmittedly |
[21 21 209] |
admittedly |
word-specific code |
SENTinmostcases |
[21 21 210] |
in most cases |
word-specific code |
SENTsincerelyyours |
[21 21 211] |
sincerely yours |
word-specific code |
SENTyourstruly |
[21 21 212] |
yours truly |
word-specific code |
SENTessentially |
[21 21 214] |
essentially |
word-specific code |
SENTallinall |
[21 21 638] |
all in all |
Subset Designation |
Mnemonic |
Numeric |
Examples |
clausal adverbs that act as collapsed clauses |
CL |
[22 22 22] |
if in doubt, regardless, seemingly, generally speaking, etc. |
purposive prepositional phrases |
CLpurp |
[22 22 226] |
for this reason, for display purposes, for security reasons, for research use only, for testing purpses, |
postposed clausal adverbs |
CLpost |
[22 22 228] |
anyhow, anyway, unawares, as a matter of course, in the following manner, per se |
word-specific code |
CLviceversa |
[22 22 227] |
vice versa |
word-specific code |
CLvice-versa |
[22 22 227] |
vice-versa |
word-specific code |
CLandsoforth |
[22 22 229] |
and so forth |
word-specific code |
CLandsoon |
[22 22 229] |
and so on |
word-specific code |
CLetc |
[22 22 229] |
etc |
word-specific code |
CLetc. |
[22 22 229] |
etc. |
word-specific code |
CLetcetera |
[22 22 229] |
et cetera |
word-specific code |
CLuntilproventothecontrary |
[22 22 257] |
until proven to the contrary |
word-specific code |
CLin fact |
[22 22 980] |
in fact |
Subset Designation |
Mnemonic |
Numeric |
Examples |
adverbs denoting chance, probability, certainty |
[23 23 23] |
by chance, by luck, per chance, luckily. assuredly, certainly, for sure, truly, definitely, allegedly, conceivably, in all likelihood, probably, possibly, all things being equal |
Adverb |
Mnemonic |
Word Class |
Description |
Superset, Set, and Subset |
a little bit |
INTalittlebit |
ADVN[06] |
Pre-Adverbial |
[20 20 361] |
a little more |
INTalittlemore |
ADVN[06] |
Pre-Adverbial |
[20 20 347] |
abaft |
SPATabaft |
ADV [03] |
Spatial |
[11 11 796] |
abeam |
SPATabeam |
ADV [03] |
Spatial |
[11 11 590] |
aboard |
SPATaboard |
ADV [03] |
Spatial |
[11 11 537] |
about |
PARTabout |
ADV [03] |
Verb Particle |
[12 12 591] |
above |
PARTabove |
ADV [03] |
Verb Particle |
[12 12 746] |
abroad |
SPATabroad |
ADV [03] |
Spatial |
[11 11 521] |
across |
PARTacross |
ADV [03] |
Verb Particle |
[12 12 747] |
admittedly |
SENTadmittedly |
ADVN[06] |
Sentence |
[21 21 209] |
again |
FREQagain |
ADV [03] |
Frequency |
[15 15 786] |
ahead |
PARTahead |
ADV [03] |
Verb Particle |
[12 12 409] |
alike |
STATalike |
ADV [03] |
Stative Construction |
[13 13 575] |
almost |
INTalmost |
ADVN[06] |
Pre-Nominal |
[24 24 151] |
along |
PARTalong |
ADV [03] |
Verb Particle |
[12 12 595] |
alongside |
SPATalongside |
ADV [03] |
Spatial |
[11 11 596] |
already |
PUNCalready |
ADV [03] |
Punctual |
[10 91 302] |
all |
INTall |
ADVN[06] |
Pre-Adjective |
[28 28 140] |
all in all |
SENTallinall |
ADVN[06] |
Sentence |
[21 21 638] |
all the way around |
PARTallthewayaround |
ADV [03] |
Verb Particle |
[12 12 594] |
and so forth |
CLandsoforth |
ADVN[06] |
Clausal Phrase |
[22 22 229] |
and so on |
CLandsoon |
ADVN[06] |
Clausal Phrase |
[22 22 229] |
anywhere |
SPATanywhere |
ADV [03] |
Spatial |
[11 11 351] |
apart |
PARTapart |
ADV [03] |
Verb Particle |
[12 12 577] |
around |
PARTaround |
ADV [03] |
Verb Particle |
[12 12 598] |
aside |
PARTaside |
ADV [03] |
Verb Particle |
[12 12 352] |
at full speed |
PARTatfullspeed |
ADV [03] |
Verb Particle |
[12 20 718] |
at one time |
PUNCat one time |
ADV [03] |
Punctual |
[10 91 303] |
at once |
RANKatonce |
ADV [03] |
Rank/Order |
[14 14 752] |
at the beginning |
SPATatthebeginning |
ADV [03] |
Spatial |
[11 11 353] |
away |
PARTaway |
ADV [03] |
Verb Particle |
[12 12 354] |
backward |
PARTbackward |
ADV [03] |
Verb Particle |
[12 12 403] |
backwards |
PARTbackwards |
ADV [03] |
Verb Particle |
[12 12 408] |
behind |
PARTbehind |
ADV [03] |
Verb Particle |
[12 12 798] |
below |
PARTbelow |
ADV [03] |
Verb Particle |
[12 12 726] |
best |
MANRbest |
ADVN[06] |
Manner |
[18 18 102] |
better |
MANRbetter |
ADVN[06] |
Manner |
[18 18 103] |
bi- |
MANRbi |
ADVN[06] |
Manner |
[18 18 331 |
by |
PARTby |
ADV [03] |
Verb Particle |
[12 12 132] |
by that time |
PUNCby that time |
ADV [03] |
Punctual |
[10 91 335] |
completely |
INTcompletely |
ADVN[06] |
Pre-Adjective |
[28 28 152] |
contra- |
MANRcontra |
ADVN[06] |
Manner |
[18 18 326] |
de- |
MANRde |
ADVN[06] |
Manner |
[18 18 321] |
dis- |
MANRdis |
ADVN[06] |
Manner |
[18 18 327] |
down |
PARTdown |
ADV [03] |
Verb Particle |
[12 12 728] |
enough |
INTenough |
ADVN[06] |
Post Adj/Adverb |
[27 27 146] |
especially |
INTespecially |
ADVN[06] |
Pre-Nominal |
[24 24 271] |
essentially |
SENTessentially |
ADVN[06] |
Sentence |
[21 21 214] |
et cetera |
CLetcetera |
ADVN[06] |
Clausal Phrase |
[22 22 229] |
etc |
CLetc |
ADVN[06] |
Clausal Phrase |
[22 22 229] |
etc. |
CLetc. |
ADVN[06] |
Clausal Phrase |
[22 22 229] |
even |
INTeven |
ADVN[06] |
Pre-Nominal |
[24 24 933] |
ever |
TEMPever |
ADV [03] |
Temporal |
[10 92 304] |
far |
INTfar |
ADVN[06] |
Pre-Preadverbial |
[25 25 283] |
far more |
INTfarmore |
ADVN[06] |
Pre-Adverbial |
[20 20 150] |
fairly |
INTfairly |
ADVN[06] |
Pre-Adverbial |
[20 20 153] |
first |
RANKfirst |
ADV [03] |
Rank/Order |
[14 14 753] |
forth |
PARTforth |
ADV [03] |
Verb Particle |
[12 12 410] |
forward |
PARTforward |
ADV [03] |
Verb Particle |
[12 20 718] |
forwards |
PARTforwards |
ADV [03] |
Verb Particle |
[12 12 720] |
from inside |
SPATfrominside |
ADV [03] |
Spatial |
[11 11 673] |
from outside |
SPATfromoutside |
ADV [03] |
Spatial |
[11 11 678] |
from within |
SPATfromwithin |
ADV [03] |
Spatial |
[11 11 696] |
front |
PARTfront |
ADV [03] |
Verb Particle |
[12 12 407] |
full |
INTfull |
ADVN[06] |
Pre-Adjective |
[28 28 154] |
fwd |
PARTfwd |
ADV [03] |
Verb Particle |
[12 20 718] |
fwd. |
PARTfwd. |
ADV [03] |
Verb Particle |
[12 20 718] |
hardly |
INThardly |
ADVN[06] |
Pre-Nominal |
[24 24 291] |
here |
SPAThere |
ADV [03] |
Spatial |
[11 11 359] |
herein |
SPATherein |
ADV [03] |
Spatial |
[11 11 357] |
hereof |
FREQhereof |
ADV [03] |
Frequency |
[15 15 789] |
in |
PARTin |
ADV [03] |
Verb Particle |
[12 12 481] |
in advance |
STATinadvance |
ADV [03] |
Stative Construction |
[13 13 616] |
in and out |
STATinandout |
ADV [03] |
Stative Construction |
[13 13 583] |
in fact |
CLin fact |
ADVN[06] |
Clausal Phrase |
[22 22 980] |
in more detail |
MANRinmoredetail |
ADVN[06] |
Manner |
[18 18 684] |
in most cases |
SENTinmostcases |
ADVN[06] |
Sentence |
[21 21 210] |
inside |
PARTinside |
ADV [03] |
Verb Particle |
[12 12 486] |
inside out |
PARTinsideout |
ADV [03] |
Verb Particle |
[12 12 489] |
inter- |
MANRinter |
ADVN[06] |
Manner |
[18 18 324] |
in the best possible way |
MANRinthebestpossway |
ADVN[06] |
Manner |
[18 18 102] |
just |
INTjust |
ADVN[06] |
Pre-Nominal |
[24 24 272] |
least |
INTleast |
ADVN[06] |
Pre-Adverbial |
[20 20 160] |
less |
INTless |
ADVN[06] |
Pre-Adverbial |
[20 20 341] |
merely |
INTmerely |
ADVN[06] |
Pre-Nominal |
[24 24 273] |
mis- |
MANRmis |
ADVN[06] |
Manner |
[18 18 329] |
more |
INTmore |
ADVN[06] |
Pre-Adverbial |
[20 20 148] |
most |
INTmost |
ADVN[06] |
Pre-Adverbial |
[20 20 149] |
much |
INTmuch |
ADVN[06] |
Pre-Preadverbial |
[25 25 343] |
near |
PARTnear |
ADV [03] |
Verb Particle |
[12 12 623] |
never |
TEMPnever |
ADV [03] |
Temporal |
[10 92 322] |
non- |
MANRnon |
ADVN[06] |
Manner |
[18 18 319] |
off |
PARToff |
ADV [03] |
Verb Particle |
[12 12 690] |
off and on |
PARToffandon |
ADV [03] |
Verb Particle |
[12 12 424] |
off or on |
PARTofforon |
ADV [03] |
Verb Particle |
[12 12 425] |
on |
PARTon |
ADV [03] |
Verb Particle |
[12 12 522] |
on-and-off; on and off |
PARTon-and-off;onandoff |
ADV [03] |
Verb Particle |
[12 12 422] |
on or off |
PARTonoroff |
ADV [03] |
Verb Particle |
[12 12 423] |
once |
FREQonce |
ADV [03] |
Frequency |
[15 15 787] |
only |
INTonly |
ADVN[06] |
Pre-Nominal |
[24 24 274] |
out |
PARTout |
ADV [03] |
Verb Particle |
[12 12 697] |
outside |
PARToutside |
ADV [03] |
Verb Particle |
[12 12 699] |
over |
PARTover |
ADV [03] |
Verb Particle |
[12 12 748] |
past |
PARTpast |
ADV [03] |
Verb Particle |
[12 12 801] |
please |
SENTplease |
ADVN[06] |
Sentence |
[21 21 208] |
pre- |
MANRpre |
ADVN[06] |
Manner |
[18 18 317] |
primarily |
RANKprimarily |
ADV [03] |
Rank/Order |
[14 14 756] |
quite |
INTquite |
ADVN[06] |
Pre-Adverbial |
[20 20 163] |
re- |
MANRre |
ADVN[06] |
Manner |
[18 18 318] |
really |
INTreally |
ADVN[06] |
Pre-Pre-adverbial |
[25 25 164] |
semi- |
MANRsemi |
ADVN[06] |
Manner |
[18 18 319] |
sincerely yours |
SENTsincerelyyours |
ADVN[06] |
Sentence |
[21 21 211] |
slightly |
INTslightly |
ADVN[06] |
Pre-Pre-adverbial |
[25 25 282] |
so |
INTso |
ADVN[06] |
Pre-Pre-adverbial |
[25 25 167] |
somewhat |
INTsomewhat |
ADVN[06] |
Pre-Pre-adverbial |
[25 25 168] |
there |
SPATthere |
ADV [03] |
Spatial |
[11 11 350] |
thereof |
FREQthereof |
ADV [03] |
Frequency |
[15 15 789] |
thereon |
SPATthereon |
ADV [03] |
Spatial |
[11 11 377] |
through |
PARTthrough |
ADV [03] |
Verb Particle |
[12 12 703] |
to |
PARTto |
ADV [03] |
Verb Particle |
[12 12 945] |
together |
PARTtogether |
ADV [03] |
Verb Particle |
[12 12 158] |
too |
INTtoo |
ADVN[06] |
Pre-Adverbial |
[20 20 170] |
too much |
INTtoomuch |
ADVN[06] |
Pre-Nominal |
[24 24 344] |
trans- |
MANRtrans |
ADVN[06] |
Manner |
[18 18 330] |
twice |
FREQtwice |
ADV [03] |
Frequency |
[15 15 788] |
un- |
MANRun |
ADVN[06] |
Manner |
[18 18 325] |
under |
PARTunder |
ADV [03] |
Verb Particle |
[12 12 732] |
underneath |
SPATunderneath |
ADV [03] |
Spatial |
[11 11 733] |
until proven to the contrary |
CLuntilproventothecontrary |
ADVN[06] |
Clausal Phrase |
[22 22 257] |
up |
PARTup |
ADV [03] |
Verb Particle |
[12 12 749] |
very |
INTvery |
ADVN[06] |
Pre-Adverbial |
[20 20 171] |
vice versa |
CLviceversa |
ADVN[06] |
Clausal Phrase |
[22 22 227] |
vice-versa |
CLvice-versa |
ADVN[06] |
Clausal Phrase |
[22 22 227] |
well |
INTwell |
ADVN[06] |
Pre-Adjective |
[28 28 172] |
yours truly |
SENTyourstruly |
ADVN[06] |
Sentence |
[21 21 212] |
Non-Locatives |
WC11 |
Locatives |
WC13 |
Note to Rulewriters¶
During analysis phase (PARSE 1), the two Prepositional Word Classes are combined under the single PRP [WC13] word class. Distinctions between the two Word Classes classes are preserved at the set and subset level.
Preposition Type |
Mnemonic |
Numeric |
possessive superset (of) |
1 |
of (uniquely) |
POSSof |
[1 51 101] |
benefactive (for, etc.) |
3 |
for type |
BENEfortype |
[3 53] |
instrumental (by, etc.) |
4 |
by type |
INSTbytype |
[4 54] |
associative (with, etc.) |
5 |
with type |
ASSOCwithtype |
[5 55] |
analogical (unlike, etc.) |
6 |
in accord with type |
ALOGinaccwithtype |
[6 24] |
unlike type |
ALOGunliketype |
[6 25] |
reference (relative to, etc.) |
7 |
vis a vis type |
REFvisavistype |
[7 26] |
in opposition to type |
REFinopptotype |
[7 27] |
causes/conditions (because of, etc.) |
9 |
owing to type |
CAUSowingtotype |
[9 28] |
despite type |
CAUSdespitetype |
[9 29] |
inclusion/exclusion (in lieu of, etc.) |
11 |
inclusive of type |
INCLinclusoftype |
[11 30] |
exclusive of type |
INCLexclusoftype |
[11 31] |
pre-verbal prep phrases (with a view to [v’g], etc.) |
12 |
with a view to type |
PREVwithviewtotype |
[12 62] |
Preposition Type |
Mnemonic |
Numeric |
in/among type |
IN |
1 |
in/among type |
INtype |
[1 71] |
on type |
ON |
2 |
on type |
ONtype |
[2 72] |
through type |
3 |
through type |
THRUtype |
[3 73] |
toward type |
4 |
toward type |
TWRDtype |
[4 74] |
at/near type |
AT |
5 |
at/near type |
ATtype |
[5 75] |
from/off/out type |
6 |
from/off/out type |
FROMtype |
[6 76] |
in front of type |
7 |
in front of type |
OPPOStype |
[7 77] |
reserved for “to” |
TO |
8 |
word-specific code for “to” |
TOtype |
[8 78 945] |
under/below type |
9 |
under/below type |
UNDRtype |
[9 79] |
above type |
10 |
above type |
ABOVEtype |
[10 80] |
during/prior to type |
11 |
expect process noun type (e.g., during removal of …) |
TEMPpntype |
[11 41] |
expect v’ing type (e.g., prior to forming the …) |
TEMPvingtype |
[11 42] |
expect arithmate type (e.g., at a rate of seven …) |
TEMParithtype |
[11 43] |
behind type |
12 |
behind type |
BEHDtype |
[12 82] |
around type |
13 |
around type |
ARNDtype |
[13 83] |
outside type |
14 |
outside type |
OUTSDtype |
[14 84] |
Preposition |
Code Type |
Mnemonic |
Numeric |
of |
POSSof |
word-specific code for “of” |
[1 51 101] |
Preposition |
Code Type |
Mnemonic |
Numeric |
for type |
set code |
BENEfortype |
[3 53] |
as a favor to |
word-specific code |
BENEasafavor to |
[3 53 105] |
for |
word-specific code |
BENEfor |
[3 53 106] |
for ease of |
word-specific code |
BENEforeaseof |
[3 53 110] |
for purposes of |
word-specific code |
BENEforpurposesof |
[3 53 111] |
for the benefit of |
generic code |
BENEforthebenefitof |
[3 53 53] |
for use by |
word-specific code |
BENEforuseby |
[3 53 113] |
Preposition |
Code Type |
Mnemonic |
Numeric |
by type |
set code |
INSTbytype |
[4 54] |
by |
word-specific code |
INSTby |
[4 54 132] |
by a combination of |
word-specific code |
INSTbycombof |
[4 54 133] |
by arrangement with |
word-specific code |
INSTbyarrangwith |
[4 54 134] |
by means of |
word-specific code |
INSTbymeansof |
[4 54 135] |
by means other than |
word-specific code |
INSTbymeansotherthan |
[4 54 136] |
by type of |
word-specific code |
INSTbytypeof |
[4 54 137] |
by way of |
word-specific code |
INSTbywayof |
[4 54 138] |
under contract to |
word-specific code |
INSTundercontractto |
[4 54 143] |
via |
word-specific code |
INSTvia |
[4 54 141] |
with the aid of |
word-specific code |
INSTwithaidof |
[4 54 142] |
Preposition |
Code Type |
Mnemonic |
Numeric |
with type |
set code |
ASSOCwithtype |
[5 55] |
along with |
word-specific code |
ASSOCalongwith |
[5 55 156] |
in anticipation of |
generic code |
ASSOCinanticipationof |
[5 55] |
in combination with |
word-specific code |
ASSOCincombwith |
[5 55 163] |
together with |
word-specific code |
ASSOCtogetherwith |
[5 55 158] |
with |
word-specific code |
ASSOCwith |
[5 55 159] |
with and without |
word-specific code |
ASSOCwithandwithout |
[5 55 160] |
with or without |
word-specific code |
ASSOCwithorwithout |
[5 55 161] |
with/without |
word-specific code |
ASSOCwith/without |
[5 55 162] |
Preposition |
Code Type |
Mnemonic |
Numeric |
in accord with type |
set code |
ALOGinaccwithtype |
[6 24] |
as a substitute for |
word-specific code |
ALOGasasubfor |
[6 24 188] |
as compared to |
word-specific code |
ALOGascomparedto |
[6 24189] |
as compared with |
word-specific code |
ALOGascomparedwith |
[6 24 190] |
as related to |
word-specific code |
ALOGasrelatedto |
[6 24 193] |
corresponding to |
word-specific code |
ALOGcorrespondingto |
[6 24 199] |
for reasons of |
word-specific code |
ALOGforreasonsof |
[6 24 192] |
in accord with |
generic code |
ALOGinaccordwith |
[6 24] |
in accordance with |
word-specific code |
ALOGinaccordancewith |
[6 24 204] |
in agreement with |
word-specific code |
ALOGinagreementwith |
[6 24 205] |
in congruence with |
word-specific code |
ALOGincongruencewith |
[6 24 206] |
in contact with |
word-specific code |
ALOGincontactwith |
[6 24 226] |
in sync with |
word-specific code |
ALOGinsyncwith |
[6 24 229] |
less than or equal to |
word-specific code |
ALOGlessthanorequalto |
[6 24 230] |
proportional to |
word-specific code |
ALOGproportionalto |
[6 24 232] |
unlike type |
set code |
ALOGunliketype |
[6 25] |
as contrasted to |
word-specific code |
ALOGascontrastedto |
[6 25 246] |
in contrast to |
word-specific code |
ALOGincontrastto |
[6 25 248] |
for the differentiation of |
word-specific code |
ALOGforthediffof |
[6 25 247] |
unlike |
word-specific code |
ALOGunlike |
[6 25 252] |
versus |
word-specific code |
ALOGversus |
[6 25 253] |
vs. |
word-specific code |
ALOGvs. |
[6 25 253] |
Preposition |
Code Type |
Mnemonic |
Numeric |
vis a vis type |
set code |
REFvisavistype |
[7 26] |
according to |
word-specific code |
REFaccordingto |
[7 26 261] |
as a basis for |
word-specific code |
REFasbasisfor |
[7 26 262] |
as concerns |
word-specific code |
REFasconcerns |
[7 26 263] |
as per |
word-specific code |
REFasper |
[7 26 265] |
as regards |
word-specific code |
REFasregards |
[7 26 266] |
from the viewpoint of |
word-specific code |
REFfromviewptof |
[7 26 268] |
in charge of |
word-specific code |
REFinchargeof |
[7 26 269] |
in collaboration with |
word-specific code |
REFincollaborationwith |
[7 26 270] |
in comparison to |
word-specific code |
REFincompto |
[7 26 271] |
in comparison with |
word-specific code |
REFincompwith |
[7 26 272] |
in compliance with |
word-specific code |
REFincompliancewith |
[7 26 272] |
in conjunction with |
word-specific code |
REFinconjwith |
[7 26 274] |
in connection with |
word-specific code |
REFinconnecwith |
[7 26 275] |
in coordination with |
word-specific code |
REFincoordwith |
[7 26 277] |
in proportion to |
word-specific code |
REFinproportionto |
[7 26 278] |
in regard to |
word-specific code |
REFinregardto |
[7 26 279] |
in relation to |
word-specific code |
REFinrelationto |
[7 26 280] |
in response to |
word-specific code |
REFinresponseto |
[7 26 301] |
in terms of |
word-specific code |
REFintermsof |
[7 26 302] |
in the case of |
word-specific code |
REFinthecaseof |
[7 26 303] |
in the course of |
word-specific code |
REFincourseof |
[7 26 304] |
in the face of |
word-specific code |
REFinfaceof |
[7 26 305] |
in the form of |
word-specific code |
REFintheformof |
[7 26 306] |
in the judgement of |
word-specific code |
REFinjudgmentof |
[7 26 307] |
in the light of |
word-specific code |
REFinthe lightof |
[7 26 308] |
in the light of |
word-specific code |
REFinthematterof |
[7 26 323] |
in view of |
word-specific code |
REFinviewof |
[7 26 309] |
of concern to |
word-specific code |
REFofconcernto |
[7 26 310] |
on the matter of |
word-specific code |
REFonmatterof |
[7 26 323] |
out of regard for |
word-specific code |
REFoutofregardfor |
[7 26 312] |
per |
word-specific code |
REFper |
[7 26 311] |
pursuant to |
word-specific code |
REFpursuantto |
[7 26 320] |
relative to |
word-specific code |
REFrelativeto |
[7 26 313] |
under the aegis of |
generic code |
REFunderaegisof |
[7 26] |
under the auspices of |
generic code |
REFunderauspicesof |
[7 26] |
vis a vis |
word-specific code |
REFvisavis |
[7 26 207] |
with regard to |
word-specific code |
REFwithregardto |
[7 26 314] |
with respect to |
word-specific code |
REFwithrespectto |
[7 26 315] |
with the goal of |
word-specific code |
REFwithgoalof |
[7 26 316] |
in opposition to type |
set code |
REFinopptotype |
[7 27] |
in opposition to |
word-specific code |
REFinoppositionto |
[7 27 338] |
regardless of |
word-specific code |
REFregardlessof |
[7 27 339] |
without reference to |
word-specific code |
REFwithoutrefto |
[7 27 340] |
without regard to |
word-specific code |
REFwithoutregardto |
[7 27 341] |
without respect to |
word-specific code |
REFwithoutrespecto |
[7 27 342] |
Preposition |
Code Type |
Mnemonic |
Numeric |
owing to type |
set code |
CAUSowingtotype |
[9 28] |
as a result of |
word-specific code |
CAUSasaresult of |
[9 28 351] |
at the request of |
word-specific code |
CAUSattherequestof |
[9 28 352] |
because of |
word-specific code |
CAUSbecause of |
[9 28 353] |
by action of |
word-specific code |
CAUSbyactionof |
[9 28 354] |
by reason of |
word-specific code |
CAUSbyreasonof |
[9 28 355] |
by virtue of |
word-specific code |
CAUSbyvirtueof |
[9 28 356] |
for the sake of |
word-specific code |
CAUSforsakeof |
[9 28 375] |
in behalf of |
word-specific code |
CAUSinbehalfof |
[9 28 372] |
in case of |
word-specific code |
CAUSincaseof |
[9 28 360] |
in consequence of |
word-specific code |
CAUSinconsequenceof |
[9 28 362] |
in favor of |
word-specific code |
CAUSinfavorof |
[9 28 402] |
in support of |
word-specific code |
CAUSinsupportof |
[9 28 363] |
in the event of |
word-specific code |
CAUSineventof |
[9 28 364] |
in the interest of |
word-specific code |
CAUSininterestof |
[9 28 365] |
on account of |
word-specific code |
CAUSonaccountof |
[9 28 366] |
on behalf of |
word-specific code |
CAUSonbehalfof |
[9 28 367] |
on the advice of type |
set code |
CAUSonadviceof |
[9 28] |
on the basis of |
word-specific code |
CAUSonbasisof |
[9 28 368] |
on the part of |
word-specific code |
CAUSonpartof |
[9 28 374] |
on the strength of |
word-specific code |
CAUSonstrengthof |
[9 28 369] |
on the verge of |
word-specific code |
CAUSonvergeof |
[9 28 349] |
owing to |
word-specific code |
CAUSowingto |
[9 28 370] |
pending |
word-specific code |
CAUSpending |
[9 28 371] |
to the advantage of |
word-specific code |
CAUStoadvantageof |
[9 28 373] |
upon initiation by |
word-specific code |
CAUSuponinitiationby |
[9 28 376] |
despite type |
set code |
CAUSdespitetype |
[9 29] |
at the expense of |
word-specific code |
CAUSatexpenseof |
[9 29 396] |
despite |
word-specific code |
CAUSdespite |
[9 29 397] |
for lack of |
word-specific code |
CAUSforlackof |
[9 29 398] |
in spite of |
word-specific code |
CAUSinspiteof |
[9 29 399] |
in the absence of |
word-specific code |
CAUSinabsenceof |
[9 29 400] |
independently of |
word-specific code |
CAUSindependentlyof |
[9 29 401] |
to the debit of |
word-specific code |
CAUStodebitof |
[9 29 405] |
to the disadvantage of |
word-specific code |
CAUStodisadvantageof |
[9 29 406] |
Preposition |
Code Type |
Mnemonic |
Numeric |
inclusive of type |
set code |
INCLinclusoftype |
[11 30] |
in addition to |
word-specific code |
INCLinadditionto |
[11 30 417] |
inclusive of |
word-specific code |
INCLinclusiveof |
[11 30 421] |
plus/minus |
word-specific code |
INCLplus/minus |
[11 30 426] |
exclusive of type |
set code |
INCLexclusoftype |
[11 31] |
apart from |
word-specific code |
INCLapartfrom |
[11 31 431] |
aside from |
word-specific code |
INCLasidefrom |
[11 31 432] |
devoid of |
word-specific code |
INCLdevoidof |
[11 31 434] |
except for |
word-specific code |
INCLexceptfor |
[11 31 435] |
exclusive of |
word-specific code |
INCLexclusive of |
[11 31 436] |
in lieu of |
word-specific code |
INCLinlieuof |
[11 31 437] |
in place of |
word-specific code |
INCLinplaceof |
[11 31 438] |
in the place of |
word-specific code |
INCLintheplaceof |
[11 31 440] |
instead of |
word-specific code |
INCLinsteadof |
[11 31 441] |
other than |
word-specific code |
INCLotherthan |
[11 31 442] |
with the exception of |
word-specific code |
INCLwithexceptionof |
[11 31 445] |
without |
word-specific code |
INCLwithout |
[11 31 446] |
Preposition |
Code Type |
Mnemonic |
Numeric |
for the pupose of [v’g] |
word-specific code |
PREVforpurposeof |
[12 62 359] |
with a view to [v’g] |
word-specific code |
PREVwithaviewto |
[12 62 443] |
Preposition |
Code Type |
Mnemonic |
Numeric |
amid |
word-specific code |
INamid |
[1 71 475] |
amidst |
word-specific code |
INamidst |
[1 71 476] |
among |
word-specific code |
INamong |
[1 71 477] |
amongst |
word-specific code |
INamongst |
[1 71 478] |
between |
word-specific code |
INbetween |
[1 71 480] |
in |
word-specific code |
INin |
[1 71 481] |
in and out of |
word-specific code |
INinandoutof |
[1 71 482] |
in between |
word-specific code |
INinbetween |
[1 71 483] |
in the middle of |
word-specific code |
INinmiddleof |
[1 71 484] |
in the midst of |
word-specific code |
INinmidstof |
[1 71 485] |
inside |
word-specific code |
INinside |
[1 71 486] |
into |
word-specific code |
INinto |
[1 71 487] |
on the inside of |
word-specific code |
INontheinsideof |
[1 71 488] |
throughout |
word-specific code |
INthroughout |
[1 71 491] |
within |
word-specific code |
INwithin |
[1 71 493] |
Preposition |
Code Type |
Mnemonic |
Numeric |
aboard |
word-specific code |
ONaboard |
[2 72 537] |
on |
word-specific code |
ONon |
[2 72 522] |
on top of |
word-specific code |
ONontopof |
[2 72 523] |
on the far side of |
word-specific code |
ONonfarsideof |
[2 72 693] |
onto |
word-specific code |
ONonto |
[2 72 524] |
upon |
word-specific code |
ONupon |
[2 72 525] |
Preposition |
Code Type |
Mnemonic |
Numeric |
at a distance of |
word-specific code |
THRUatdistanceof |
[3 73 674] |
through |
word-specific code |
THRUthrough |
[3 73 703] |
thru |
word-specific code |
THRUthru |
[3 73 703] |
Preposition |
Code Type |
Mnemonic |
Numeric |
all the way to |
word-specific code |
TWRDallwayto |
[4 74 562] |
in the direction of |
word-specific code |
TWRDindirectionof |
[4 74 565] |
to a minimum of |
word-specific code |
TWRDtominimumof |
[4 74 567] |
to a maximum of |
word-specific code |
TWRDtomaximumof |
[4 74 568] |
to the rear of |
word-specific code |
TWRDtorearof |
[4 74 572] |
toward |
word-specific code |
TWRDtoward |
[4 74 574] |
toward the rear of |
word-specific code |
TWRDtowardrearof |
[4 74 576] |
towards |
word-specific code |
TWRDtowards |
[4 74 574] |
Preposition |
Code Type |
Mnemonic |
Numeric |
abeam |
word-specific code |
ATabeam |
[5 75 590] |
against |
word-specific code |
ATagainst |
[5 75 593] |
along |
word-specific code |
ATalong |
[5 75 595] |
alongside |
word-specific code |
ATalongside |
[5 75 596] |
alongside of |
word-specific code |
ATalongsideof |
[5 75 597] |
at |
word-specific code |
ATat |
[5 75 599] |
at the back of |
word-specific code |
ATatbackof |
[5 75 601] |
at the bottom of |
word-specific code |
ATatbottomof |
[5 75 603] |
at the left of |
word-specific code |
ATatleftof |
[5 75 606] |
at the left side of |
word-specific code |
ATatleftsideof |
[5 75 607] |
at the rear of |
word-specific code |
ATatrearof |
[5 75 608] |
at the right of |
word-specific code |
ATatrightof |
[5 75 609] |
at the right side of |
word-specific code |
ATatrightsideof |
[5 75 610] |
at the side of |
word-specific code |
ATatsideof |
[5 75 611] |
at the top of |
word-specific code |
ATattopof |
[5 75 612] |
at the very top of |
word-specific code |
ATatverytopof |
[5 75 613] |
beside |
word-specific code |
ATbeside |
[5 75 616] |
in line with |
word-specific code |
ATinlinewith |
[5 75 536] |
in parallel with |
word-specific code |
ATinparallelwith |
[5 75 621] |
near |
word-specific code |
ATnear |
[5 75 623] |
on the left hand side of |
word-specific code |
ATonlefthandsideof |
[5 75 627] |
on the other side of |
word-specific code |
ATonothersideof |
[5 75 628] |
on the side of |
word-specific code |
ATonsideof |
[5 75 629] |
on this side of |
word-specific code |
ATonthissideof |
[5 75 630] |
to the east of |
word-specific code |
ATtoeastof |
[5 75 633] |
to the left of |
word-specific code |
ATtoleftof |
[5 75 634] |
to the left or right of |
word-specific code |
ATtoleftorrightof |
[5 75 638] |
to the left or to the right of |
word-specific code |
ATtoleftortorightof |
[5 75 638] |
to the north of |
word-specific code |
ATtonorthof |
[5 75 635] |
to the right of |
word-specific code |
ATtorightof |
[5 75 637] |
to the right or left of |
word-specific code |
ATtorightorleftof |
[5 75 636] |
to the south of |
word-specific code |
ATtosouthof |
[5 75 639] |
to the west of |
word-specific code |
ATtowestof |
[5 75 640] |
within reach of |
word-specific code |
ATwithinreachof |
[5 75 642] |
Preposition |
Code Type |
Mnemonic |
Numeric |
from |
word-specific code |
FROMfrom |
[6 76 679] |
from inside |
word-specific code |
FROMfrominside |
[6 76 673] |
from inside of |
word-specific code |
FROMfrominsideof |
[6 76 677] |
from outside |
word-specific code |
FROMfromoutside |
[6 76 678] |
from outside of |
word-specific code |
FROMfromoutsideof |
[6 76 691] |
from within |
word-specific code |
FROMfromwithin |
[6 76 696] |
further away from |
word-specific code |
FROMfurtherawayfrom |
[6 76 689] |
off |
word-specific code |
FROMoff |
[6 76 690] |
off of |
word-specific code |
FROMoffof |
[6 76 675] |
off to the side of |
word-specific code |
FROMofftosideof |
[6 76 692] |
out of |
word-specific code |
FROMoutof |
[6 76 676] |
out of reach of |
word-specific code |
FROMoutofreachof |
[6 76 698] |
Preposition |
Code Type |
Mnemonic |
Numeric |
abreast of |
word-specific code |
OPPOSabreastof |
[7 77 671] |
across |
word-specific code |
OPPOSacross |
[7 77 747] |
across from |
word-specific code |
OPPOSacrossfrom |
[7 77 672] |
ahead of |
word-specific code |
OPPOSaheadof |
[7 77 716] |
at the front of |
word-specific code |
OPPOSatfrontof |
[7 77 605] |
in advance of |
word-specific code |
OPPOSinadvanceof |
[7 77 716] |
in front of |
word-specific code |
OPPOSinfrontof |
[7 77 719] |
opposite |
word-specific code |
OPPOSopposite |
[7 77 717] |
opposite to |
word-specific code |
OPPOSoppositeto |
[7 77 695] |
past |
word-specific code |
OPPOSpast |
[7 77 801] |
Preposition |
Code Type |
Mnemonic |
Numeric |
to |
word-specific code |
TOto |
[8 78 945] |
Preposition |
Code Type |
Mnemonic |
Numeric |
below |
word-specific code |
UNDRbelow |
[9 79 726] |
beneath |
word-specific code |
UNDRbeneath |
[9 79 727] |
down |
word-specific code |
UNDRdown |
[9 79 728] |
under |
word-specific code |
UNDRunder |
[9 79 732] |
underneath |
word-specific code |
UNDRunderneath |
[9 79 733] |
Preposition |
Code Type |
Mnemonic |
Numeric |
above |
word-specific code |
ABOVEabove |
[10 80 746] |
over |
word-specific code |
ABOVEover |
[10 80 738] |
up |
word-specific code |
[10 80 749] |
Preposition |
Code Type |
Mnemonic |
Numeric |
type |
set code |
TEMP?? |
[11 41] |
at the beginning of |
word-specific code |
TEMPatbeginningof |
[11 41 602] |
at the end of |
word-specific code |
TEMPatendof |
[11 41 604] |
at the time of |
word-specific code |
TEMPattimeof |
[11 41 771] |
during |
word-specific code |
TEMPduring |
[11 41 773] |
during the time of |
word-specific code |
TEMPduringtimeof |
[11 41 783] |
with the advent of |
word-specific code |
TEMPwithadventof |
[11 41 779] |
type |
set code |
TEMP?? |
[11 42] |
on the occasion of |
word-specific code |
TEMPonoccasionof |
[11 42 775] |
preparatory to |
word-specific code |
TEMPpreparatoryto |
[11 42 776] |
prior to |
word-specific code |
TEMPpriorto |
[11 42 772] |
simultaneously with |
word-specific code |
TEMPsimultaneouslywith |
[11 42 778] |
type |
set code |
TEMP?? |
[11 43] |
at a rate of |
word-specific code |
TEMPatarateof |
[11 43 766] |
at intervals of |
word-specific code |
TEMPatintervalsof |
[11 43 767] |
at the rate of |
word-specific code |
TEMPattherateof |
[11 43 768] |
at the speed of |
word-specific code |
TEMPatspeedof |
[11 43 770] |
within the period of |
word-specific code |
TEMPwithinperiodof |
[11 43 780] |
Preposition |
Code Type |
Mnemonic |
Numeric |
abaft |
word-specific code |
BEHDabaft |
[12 82 796] |
aft of |
word-specific code |
BEHDaftof |
[12 82 797] |
behind |
word-specific code |
BEHDbehind |
[12 82 798 |
beyond |
word-specific code |
BEHDbeyond |
[12 82 799] |
in back of |
word-specific code |
BEHDinbackof |
[12 82 800] |
in the back of |
word-specific code |
BEHDintheback of |
[12 82 800] |
Preposition |
Code Type |
Mnemonic |
Numeric |
about |
word-specific code |
ARNDabout |
[13 83 591] |
all the way around |
word-specific code |
ARNDallwayaround |
[13 83 594] |
around |
word-specific code |
ARNDaround |
[13 83 598] |
Preposition |
Code Type |
Mnemonic |
Numeric |
on the outside of |
word-specific code |
OUTSDonoutsideof |
[14 84 694] |
out |
word-specific code |
OUTSDout |
[14 84 697] |
outside |
word-specific code |
OUTSDoutside |
[14 84 699] |
Preposition |
Mnemonic |
WC |
Superset Membership |
Superset, Set, and Subset |
abaft |
BEHDabaft |
PRP [13] |
behind type |
[12 82 796] |
abeam |
ATabeam |
PRP [13] |
at/near type |
[5 75 590] |
aboard |
ONaboard |
PRP [13] |
on type |
[2 72 537] |
about |
ARNDabout |
PRP [13] |
around type |
[13 83 591] |
above |
ABOVEabove |
PRP [13] |
above type |
[10 80 746] |
abreast of |
OPPOSabreast of |
PRP [13] |
opposite type |
[7 77 671] |
according to |
REFaccording to |
PRPN [11] |
reference type |
[7 26 261 |
across |
OPPOSacross |
PRP [13] |
opposite type |
[7 77 747] |
across from |
OPPOSacross from |
PRP [13] |
opposite type |
[7 77 672] |
aft of |
BEHDaftof |
PRP [13] |
behind type |
[12 82 797] |
against |
ATagainst |
PRP [13] |
at/near type |
[5 75 593] |
ahead of |
OPPOSaheadof |
PRP [13] |
in front of type |
[7 77 716] |
along |
ATalong |
PRP [13] |
at/near type |
[5 75 595] |
along with |
ASSOCalong with |
PRPN [11] |
associative type |
[5 55 156] |
alongside |
ATalongside |
PRP [13] |
at/near type |
[5 75 596] |
alongside of |
ATalongsideof |
PRP [13] |
at/near type |
[5 75 597] |
all the way around |
ARNDallwayaround |
PRP [13] |
around type |
[13 83 594] |
all the way to |
TWRDallwayto |
PRP [13] |
toward type |
[4 74 562] |
amid |
INamid |
PRP [13] |
in/among type |
[1 71 475] |
amidst |
INamidst |
PRP [13] |
in/among type |
[1 71 476] |
among |
INamong |
PRP [13] |
in/among type |
[1 71 477] |
amongst |
INamongst |
PRP [13] |
in/among type |
[1 71 478] |
apart from |
INCLapart from |
PRPN [11] |
inclusion/exclusion type |
[11 31 431] |
around |
ARNDaround |
PRP [13] |
around type |
[13 83 598] |
as a basis for |
REFasbasisfor |
PRPN [11] |
reference type |
[7 26 262] |
as a favor to |
BENEasafavor to |
PRPN [11] |
benefactive type |
[3 53 105] |
as a result of |
CAUSasaresult of |
PRPN [11] |
causes/conditions type |
[9 28 351] |
as a substitute for |
ALOGasasubfor |
PRPN [11] |
analogical type |
[6 24 188] |
as compared to |
ALOGascomparedto |
PRPN [11 |
analogical type |
[6 24 189] |
as compared with |
ALOGascomparedwith |
PRPN [11 |
analogical type |
[6 24 190] |
as concerns |
REFasconcerns |
PRPN [11] |
reference type |
[7 26 263] |
as contrasted to |
ALOGascontrastedto |
PRPN [11] |
analogical type |
[6 25 246] |
as per |
REFasper |
PRPN [11] |
reference type |
[7 26 265] |
as regards |
REFasregards |
PRPN [11] |
reference type |
[7 26 266] |
as related to |
ALOGasrelatedto |
PRPN [11] |
analogical type |
[6 24 193] |
aside from |
INCLasidefrom |
PRPN [11] |
inclusion/exclusion type |
[11 31 432] |
at |
ATat |
PRP [13] |
at/near type |
[5 75 599] |
at a distance of |
THRUatdistanceof |
PRP [13] |
through type |
[3 73 674] |
at a rate of |
TEMPatarateof |
PRP [13] |
temporal type |
[11 43 766] |
at intervals of |
TEMPatintervalsof |
PRP [13] |
temporal type |
[11 43 767] |
at the back of |
ATatbackof |
PRP [13] |
at/near type |
[5 75 601] |
at the beginning of |
TEMPatbeginningof |
PRP [13] |
temporal type |
[11 41 602] |
at the bottom of |
ATatbottomof |
PRP [13] |
at/near type |
[5 75 603] |
at the end of |
TEMPatendof |
PRP [13] |
temporal type |
[11 41 604] |
at the expense of |
CAUSatexpenseof |
PRPN [11] |
causes/conditions type |
[9 29 396] |
at the front of |
OPPOSatfrontof |
PRP [13] |
opposite type |
[7 77 605] |
at the left of |
ATatleftof |
PRP [13] |
at/near type |
[5 75 606] |
at the left side of |
ATatleftsideof |
PRP [13] |
at/near type |
[5 75 607] |
at the rate of |
TEMPattherateof |
PRP [13] |
temporal type |
[11 43 768] |
at the rear of |
ATatrearof |
PRP [13] |
at/near type |
[5 75 608] |
at the request of |
CAUSattherequestof |
PRPN [11] |
causes/conditions type |
[9 28 352] |
at the right of |
ATatrightof |
PRP [13] |
at/near type |
[5 75 609] |
at the right side of |
ATatrightsideof |
PRP [13] |
at/near type |
[5 75 610] |
at the side of |
ATatsideof |
PRP [13] |
at/near type |
[5 75 611] |
at the speed of |
TEMPatspeedof |
PRP [13] |
temporal type |
[11 43 770] |
at the time of |
TEMPattimeof |
PRP [13] |
temporal type |
[11 41 771] |
at the top of |
ATattopof |
PRP [13] |
at/near type |
[5 75 612] |
at the very top of |
ATatverytopof |
PRP [13] |
at/near type |
[5 75 613] |
because of |
CAUSbecause of |
PRPN [11] |
causes/conditions type |
[9 28 353] |
behind |
BEHDbehind |
PRP [13] |
behind type |
[12 82 798] |
below |
UNDRbelow |
PRP [13] |
under/below type |
[9 79 726] |
beneath |
UNDRbeneath |
PRP [13] |
under/below type |
[9 79 727] |
beside |
ATbeside |
PRP [13] |
at/near type |
[5 75 616] |
between |
INbetween |
PRP [13] |
in/among type |
[1 71 480] |
beyond |
BEHDbeyond |
PRP [13] |
behind type |
[12 82 799] |
by |
INSTby |
PRPN [11] |
instrumental type |
[4 54 132] |
by a combination of |
INSTbycombof |
PRPN [11] |
instrumental type |
[4 54 133] |
by action of |
CAUSbyactionof |
PRPN [11] |
causes/conditions type |
[9 28 354] |
by arrangement with |
INSTbyarrangwith |
PRPN [11] |
instrumental type |
[4 54 134] |
by means of |
INSTbymeansof |
PRPN [11] |
instrumental type |
[4 54 135] |
by means other than |
INSTbymeansotherthan |
PRPN [11] |
instrumental type |
[4 54 136] |
by reason of |
CAUSbyreasonof |
PRPN [11] |
causes/conditions type |
[9 28 355] |
by type of |
INSTbytypeof |
PRPN [11] |
instrumental type |
[4 54 137] |
by virtue of |
CAUSbyvirtueof |
PRPN [11] |
causes/conditions type |
[9 28 356] |
by way of |
INSTbywayof |
PRPN [11] |
instrumental type |
[4 54 138] |
corresponding to |
ALOGcorrespondingto |
PRPN [11] |
analogical type |
[6 24 199] |
despite |
CAUSdespite |
PRPN [11] |
causes/conditions type |
[9 29 397] |
devoid of |
INCLdevoidof |
PRPN [11] |
inclusion/exclusion type |
[11 31 434] |
down |
UNDRdown |
PRP [13] |
under/below type |
[9 79 728] |
during |
TEMPduring |
PRP [13] |
temporal type |
[11 41 773] |
during the time of |
TEMPduringtimeof |
PRP [13] |
temporal type |
[11 41 783] |
except for |
INCLexceptfor |
PRPN [11] |
inclusion/exclusion type |
[11 31 435] |
exclusive of |
INCLexclusiveof |
PRPN [11] |
inclusion/exclusion type |
[11 31 436] |
for |
BENEfor |
PRPN [11] |
benefactive type |
[3 53 106] |
for ease of |
BENEforeaseof |
PRPN [11] |
benefactive type |
[3 53 110] |
for lack of |
CAUSforlackof |
PRPN [11] |
causes/conditions type |
[9 29 398] |
for purposes of |
BENEforpurposesof |
PRPN [11] |
benefactive type |
[3 53 111] |
for reasons of |
ALOGforreasonsof |
PRPN [11] |
analogical type |
[6 24 192] |
for the benefit of |
BENEforthebenefitof |
PRPN [11] |
benefactive type |
[3 53 53] |
for the differentiation of |
ALOGforthediffof |
PRPN [11] |
analogical type |
[6 25 247] |
for the pupose of [v’g] |
PREVforpurposeof |
PRPN [11] |
pre-verbal prep phrase type |
[12 62 359] |
for the sake of |
CAUSforsakeof |
PRPN [11] |
causes/conditions type |
[9 28 375] |
for use by |
BENEforuseby |
PRPN [11] |
benefactive type |
[3 53 113] |
from |
FROMfrom |
PRP [13] |
from/off/out type |
[6 76 679] |
from inside |
FROMfrominside |
PRP [13] |
from/off/out type |
[6 76 673] |
from inside of |
FROMfrominsideof |
PRP [13] |
from/off/out type |
[6 76 677] |
from outside |
FROMfromoutside |
PRP [13] |
from/off/out type |
[6 76 678] |
from outside of |
FROMfromoutsideof |
PRP [13] |
from/off/out type |
[6 76 691] |
from the viewpoint of |
REFfromviewptof |
PRPN [11] |
reference type |
[7 26 268] |
from within |
FROMfromwithin |
PRP [13] |
from/off/out type |
[6 76 696] |
further away from |
FROMfurtherawayfrom |
PRP [13] |
from/off/out type |
[6 76 689] |
in |
INin |
PRP [13] |
in/among type |
[1 71 481] |
in accord with |
ALOGinaccordwith |
PRPN [11] |
analogical type |
[6 24] |
in accordance with |
ALOGinaccordancewith |
PRPN [11] |
analogical type |
[6 24 204] |
in addition to |
INCLinadditionto |
PRPN [11] |
inclusion/exclusion type |
[11 30 417] |
in advance of |
OPPOSinadvanceof |
PRP [13] |
opposite type |
[7 77 716] |
in agreement with |
ALOGinagreementwith |
PRPN [11] |
analogical type |
[6 24 205] |
in and out of |
INinandoutof |
PRP [13] |
in/among type |
[1 71 482] |
in anticipation of |
ASSOCinanticipationof |
PRPN [11] |
associative type |
[5 55] |
in back of |
BEHDinbackof |
PRP [13] |
behind type |
[12 82 800] |
in behalf of |
CAUSinbehalfof |
PRPN [11] |
causes/conditions type |
[9 28 372] |
in between |
INinbetween |
PRP [13] |
in/among type |
[1 71 483] |
in case of |
CAUSincaseof |
PRPN [11] |
causes/conditions type |
[9 28 360] |
in charge of |
REFinchargeof |
PRPN [11] |
reference type |
[7 26 269] |
in collaboration with |
REFincollaborationwith |
PRPN [11] |
reference type |
[7 26 270] |
in combination with |
ASSOCincombwith |
PRPN [11] |
associative type |
[5 55 163] |
in comparison to |
REFincompto |
PRPN [11] |
reference type |
[7 26 271] |
in comparison with |
REFincompwith |
PRPN [11] |
reference type |
[7 26 272] |
in compliance with |
REFincompliancewith |
PRPN [11] |
reference type |
[7 26 272] |
in congruence with |
ALOGincongruencewith |
PRPN [11] |
analogical type |
[6 24 206] |
in conjunction with |
REFinconjwith |
PRPN [11] |
reference type |
[7 26 274] |
in connection with |
REFinconnecwith |
PRPN [11] |
reference type |
[7 26 275] |
in consequence of |
CAUSinconsequenceof |
PRPN [11] |
causes/conditions type |
[9 28 362] |
in contact with |
ALOGincontactwith |
PRPN [11] |
analogical type |
[6 24 226] |
in coordination with |
REFincoordwith |
PRPN [11] |
reference type |
[7 26 277] |
in favor of |
CAUSinfavorof |
PRPN [11] |
causes/conditions type |
[9 28 402] |
in front of |
OPPOSinfrontof |
PRP [13] |
opposite type |
[7 77 719] |
in lieu of |
INCLinlieuof |
PRPN [11] |
inclusion/exclusion type |
[11 31 437] |
in line with |
ATinlinewith |
PRP [13] |
at/near type |
[5 75 536] |
in opposition to |
REFinoppositionto |
PRPN [11] |
reference type |
[7 27 338] |
in parallel with |
ATinparallelwith |
PRP [13] |
at/near type |
[5 75 621] |
in place of |
INCLinplaceof |
PRPN [11] |
inclusion/exclusion type |
[11 31 438] |
in proportion to |
REFinproportionto |
PRPN [11] |
reference type |
[7 26 278] |
in regard to |
REFinregardto |
PRPN [11] |
reference type |
[7 26 279] |
in relation to |
REFinrelationto |
PRPN [11] |
reference type |
[7 26 280] |
in response to |
REFinresponseto |
PRPN [11] |
reference type |
[7 26 301] |
in spite of |
CAUSinspiteof |
PRPN [11] |
causes/conditions type |
[9 29 399] |
in support of |
CAUSinsupportof |
PRPN [11] |
causes/conditions type |
[9 28 363] |
in sync with |
ALOGinsyncwith |
PRPN [11] |
analogical type |
[6 24 229] |
in terms of |
REFintermsof |
PRPN [11] |
reference type |
[7 26 302] |
in the absence of |
CAUSinabsenceof |
PRPN [11] |
causes/conditions type |
[9 29 400] |
in the back of |
BEHDinthebackof |
PRP [13] |
behind type |
[12 82 800] |
in the case of |
REFinthecaseof |
PRPN [11] |
reference type |
[7 26 303] |
in the course of |
REFincourseof |
PRPN [11] |
reference type |
[7 26 304] |
in the direction of |
TWRDindirectionof |
PRP [13] |
toward type |
[4 74 565] |
in the event of |
CAUSineventof |
PRPN [11] |
causes/conditions type |
[9 28 364] |
in the face of |
REFinfaceof |
PRPN [11] |
reference type |
[7 26 305] |
in the form of |
REFintheformof |
PRPN [11] |
reference type |
[7 26 306] |
in the interest of |
CAUSininterestof |
PRPN [11] |
causes/conditions type |
[9 28 365] |
in the judgement of |
REFinjudgmentof |
PRPN [11] |
reference type |
[7 26 307] |
in the light of |
REFinthelightof |
PRPN [11] |
reference type |
[7 26 308] |
in the matter of |
REFinthematterof |
PRPN [11] |
reference type |
[7 26 323] |
in the middle of |
INinmiddleof |
PRP [13] |
in/among type |
1 71 484] |
in the midst of |
INinmidstof |
PRP [13] |
in/among type |
[1 71 485] |
in the place of |
INCLintheplaceof |
PRPN [11] |
inclusion/exclusion type |
[11 31 440] |
in view of |
REFinviewof |
PRPN [11] |
reference type |
[7 26 309] |
inclusive of |
INCLinclusiveof |
PRPN [11] |
inclusion/exclusion type |
[11 30 421] |
independently of |
CAUSindependentlyof |
PRPN [11] |
causes/conditions type |
[9 29 401] |
inside |
INinside |
PRP [13] |
in/among type |
[1 71 486] |
instead of |
INCLinsteadof |
PRPN [11] |
inclusion/exclusion type |
[11 31 441] |
into |
INinto |
PRP [13] |
in/among type |
[1 71 487] |
of |
POSSof |
PRPN [11] |
word-specific code for “of” |
[1 51 101] |
of concern to |
REFofconcernto |
PRPN [11] |
reference type |
[7 26 310] |
off |
FROMoff |
PRP [13] |
from/off/out type |
[6 76 690] |
off of |
FROMoffof |
PRP [13] |
from/off/out type |
[6 76 675] |
off to the side of |
FROMofftosideof |
PRP [13] |
from/off/out type |
[6 76 692] |
on |
ONon |
PRP [13] |
on type |
[2 72 522] |
on account of |
CAUSonaccountof |
PRPN [11] |
causes/conditions type |
[9 28 366] |
on behalf of |
CAUSonbehalfof |
PRPN [11] |
causes/conditions type |
[9 28 367] |
on the advice of |
CAUSonadviceof |
PRPN [11] |
causes/conditions type |
[9 28] |
on the basis of |
CAUSonbasisof |
PRPN [11] |
causes/conditions type |
[9 28 368] |
on the far side of |
ONonfarsideof |
PRP [13] |
on type |
[2 72 693] |
on the inside of |
INontheinsideof |
PRP [13] |
in/among type |
[1 71 488] |
on the left hand side of |
ATonlefthandsideof |
PRP [13] |
at/near type |
[5 75 627] |
on the matter of |
REFonmatterof |
PRPN [11] |
reference type |
[7 26 323] |
on the occasion of |
TEMPonoccasionof |
PRP [13] |
temporal type |
[11 42 775] |
on the other side of |
ATonothersideof |
PRP [13] |
at/near type |
[5 75 628] |
on the outside of |
OUTSDonoutsideof |
PRP [13] |
outside type |
[14 84 694] |
on the part of |
CAUSonpartof |
PRPN [11] |
causes/conditions type |
[9 28 374] |
on the side of |
ATonsideof |
PRP [13] |
at/near type |
[5 75 629] |
on the strength of |
CAUSonstrengthof |
PRPN [11] |
causes/conditions type |
[9 28 369] |
on the verge of |
CAUSonvergeof |
PRPN [11] |
causes/conditions type |
[9 28 349] |
on this side of |
ATonthissideof |
PRP [13] |
at/near type |
[5 75 630] |
on top of |
ONontopof |
PRP [13] |
on type |
[2 72 523] |
onto |
ONonto |
PRP [13] |
on type |
[2 72 524] |
opposite |
OPPOSopposite |
PRP [13] |
opposite type |
[7 77 717] |
opposite to |
OPPOSoppositeto |
PRP [13] |
opposite type |
[7 77 695] |
other than |
INCLotherthan |
PRPN [11] |
inclusion/exclusion type |
[11 31 442] |
out |
OUTSDout |
PRP [13] |
outside type |
[14 84 697] |
out of |
FROMoutof |
PRP [13] |
from/off/out type |
[6 76 676] |
out of reach of |
FROMoutofreachof |
PRP [13] |
from/off/out type |
[6 76 698] |
out of regard for |
REFoutofregardfor |
PRPN [11] |
reference type |
[7 26 312] |
outside |
OUTSDoutside |
PRP [13] |
outside type |
[14 84 699] |
over |
ABOVEover |
PRP [13] |
above type |
[10 80 738] |
owing to |
CAUSowingto |
PRPN [11] |
causes/conditions type |
[9 28 370] |
past |
OPPOSpast |
PRP [13] |
opposite type |
[7 77 801] |
pending |
CAUSpending |
PRPN [11] |
causes/conditions type |
[9 28 371] |
per |
REFper |
PRPN [11] |
reference type |
[7 26 311] |
plus/minus |
INCLplus/minus |
PRPN [11] |
inclusion/exclusion type |
[11 30 426] |
preparatory to |
TEMPpreparatoryto |
PRP [13] |
temporal type |
[11 42 776] |
prior to |
TEMPpriorto |
PRP [13] |
temporal type |
[11 42 772] |
proportional to |
ALOGproportionalto |
PRPN [11] |
analogical type |
[6 24 232] |
pursuant to |
REFpursuantto |
PRPN [11] |
reference type |
[7 26 320] |
regardless of |
REFregardlessof |
PRPN [11] |
reference type |
[7 27 339] |
through |
THRUthrough |
PRP [13] |
through type |
[3 73 703] |
throughout |
INthroughout |
PRP [13] |
in/among type |
[1 71 491] |
thru |
THRUthru |
PRP [13] |
through type |
[3 73 703] |
to |
TOto |
PRP [13] |
specific code for “to” |
[8 78 945] |
to a minimum of |
TWRDtominimumof |
PRP [13] |
toward type |
[4 74 567] |
to a maximum of |
TWRDtomaximumof |
PRP [13] |
toward type |
[4 74 568] |
to the advantage of |
CAUStoadvantageof |
PRPN [11] |
causes/conditions type |
[9 28 373] |
to the debit of |
CAUStodebitof |
PRPN [11] |
causes/conditions type |
[9 29 405] |
to the disadvantage of |
CAUStodisadvantageof |
PRPN [11] |
causes/conditions type |
[9 29 406] |
to the east of |
ATtoeastof |
PRP [13] |
at/near type |
[5 75 633] |
to the left of |
ATtoleftof |
PRP [13] |
at/near type |
[5 75 634] |
to the left or right of |
ATtoleftorrightof |
PRP [13] |
at/near type |
[5 75 638] |
to the left or to the right of |
ATtoleftortorightof |
PRP [13] |
at/near type |
[5 75 638] |
to the north of |
ATtonorthof |
PRP [13] |
at/near type |
[5 75 635] |
to the rear of |
TWRDtorearof |
PRP [13] |
toward type |
[4 74 572] |
to the right of |
ATtorightof |
PRP [13] |
at/near type |
[5 75 637] |
to the right or left of |
ATtorightorleftof |
PRP [13] |
at/near type |
[5 75 636] |
to the south of |
ATtosouthof |
PRP [13] |
at/near type |
[5 75 639] |
to the west of |
ATtowestof |
PRP [13] |
at/near type |
[5 75 640] |
together with |
ASSOCtogetherwith |
PRPN [11] |
associative type |
[5 55 158] |
toward |
TWRDtoward |
PRP [13] |
toward type |
[4 74 574] |
toward the rear of |
TWRDtowardrearof |
PRP [13] |
toward type |
[4 74 576] |
towards |
TWRDtowards |
PRP [13] |
toward type |
[4 74 574] |
unlike |
ALOGunlike |
PRPN [11] |
analogical type |
[6 25 252] |
under |
UNDRunder |
PRP [13] |
under/below type |
[9 79 732] |
under contract to |
INSTundercontractto |
PRPN [11] |
instrumental type |
[4 54 143] |
under the aegis of |
REFunderaegisof |
PRPN [11] |
reference type |
[7 26] |
under the auspices of |
REFunderauspicesof |
PRPN [11] |
reference type |
[7 26] |
underneath |
UNDRunderneath |
PRP [13] |
under/below type |
[9 79 733] |
up |
PRP [13] |
above type |
[10 80 749] |
upon |
ONupon |
PRP [13] |
on type |
[2 72 525] |
versus |
ALOGversus |
PRPN [11] |
analogical type |
[6 25 253] |
via |
INSTvia |
PRPN [11] |
instrumental type |
[4 54 141] |
vis a vis |
REFvisavis |
PRPN [11] |
reference type |
[7 26 207] |
vs. |
ALOGvs. |
PRPN [11] |
analogical type |
[6 25 253] |
with |
ASSOCwith |
PRPN [11] |
associative type |
[5 55 159] |
with a view to [v’g] |
PREVwithaviewto |
PRPN [11] |
pre-verbal prep phrase type |
[12 62 443] |
with and without |
ASSOCwithandwithout |
PRPN [11] |
associative type |
[5 55 160] |
with or without |
ASSOCwithorwithout |
PRPN [11] |
associative type |
[5 55 161] |
with regard to |
REFwithregardto |
PRPN [11] |
reference type |
[7 26 314] |
with respect to |
REFwithrespectto |
PRPN [11] |
reference type |
[7 26 315] |
with the aid of |
INSTwithaidof |
PRPN [11] |
instrumental type |
[4 54 142] |
with the exception of |
INCLwithexceptionof |
PRPN [11] |
inclusion/exclusion type |
[11 31 445] |
with the goal of |
REFwithgoalof |
PRPN [11] |
reference type |
[7 26 316] |
within |
INwithin |
PRP [13] |
in/among type |
[1 71 493] |
within reach of |
ATwithinreachof |
PRP [13] |
at/near type |
[5 75 642] |
within the period of |
TEMPwithinperiodof |
PRP [13] |
temporal type |
[11 43 780] |
without |
INCLwithout |
PRPN [11] |
inclusion/exclusion type |
[11 31 446] |
without reference to |
REFwithoutrefto |
PRPN [11] |
reference type |
[7 27 340] |
without regard to |
REFwithoutregardto |
PRPN [11] |
reference type |
[7 27 341] |
without respect to |
REFwithoutrespecto |
PRPN [11] |
reference type |
[7 27 342] |
with/without |
ASSOCwith/without |
PRPN [11] |
associative type |
[5 55 162] |
NEG - Negatives [17]¶
Negative |
Mnemonic |
Numerics |
not |
not |
[1 1 460] |
not yet |
notyet |
[1 1 461] |
PRO - Pronouns [5]¶
Class of Pronoun |
Description |
Mnemonic |
Set |
Personal |
(First Person) |
PERfirst |
Set 21 |
Personal |
(Second Person) |
PERsecond |
Set 22 |
Personal |
(Third Person: (Masculine) |
PERmasc |
Set 23 |
Personal |
(Third Person: (Feminine) |
PERfem |
Set 26 |
Personal |
(Third Person: (Neuter) |
PERneut |
Set 27 |
Reflexive |
myself, etc. |
Set 24 |
Reflexive |
one’s, etc. |
REFLone-type |
Set 25 |
Possessive |
hers, etc. |
Set 50 |
Possessive |
her own, etc. |
POSSown-type |
Set 52 |
Indefinite |
(Singular and Plural) |
Set 30 |
Indefinite |
(Plural Only) |
Set 40 |
Indefinite |
(Singular Only) |
Set 42 |
Indefinite |
else/else’s |
INDelse-type |
Set 44 |
Pronouns by Set |
Mnemonics |
Numerics |
Personal (First Person) |
PERfirst |
Set 21 |
I |
I |
[5 21 795] |
me |
me |
[5 21 795] |
we |
we |
[5 21 796] |
us |
us |
[5 21 796] |
Personal (Second Person) |
PERsecond |
Set 22 |
you |
you |
[5 22 797] |
Personal: Masculine (Third Person) |
PERmasc |
Set 23 |
he |
he |
[5 23 798] |
him |
him |
[5 23 798] |
they |
they |
[5 23 799] |
them |
them |
[5 23 799] |
Personal: Feminine (Third Person) |
PERfem |
Set 26 |
she |
she |
[5 26 798] |
her |
her |
[5 26 798] |
Personal: Neuter (Third Person) |
PERneut |
Set 27 |
it |
it |
[1 27 303] |
Reflexive |
Set 24 |
myself |
myself |
[5 24 286] |
ourselves |
ourselves |
[5 24 415] |
yourself |
yourself |
[5 24 454] |
yourselves |
yourselves |
[5 24 496] |
oneself |
oneself |
[5 24 581] |
himself |
himself |
[5 24 582] |
herself |
herself |
[5 24 590] |
itself |
itself |
[5 24 594] |
themselves |
themsleves |
[5 24 631] |
Reflexive |
REFLone-type |
Set 25 |
one |
[classified in dictionary as other POS] |
ones |
ones |
[5 25 802] |
one’s |
one’s |
[5 25 802] |
Possessive |
Set 50 |
mine |
mine |
[5 50 327] |
yours |
yours |
[5 50 328] |
ours |
ours |
[5 50 329] |
his |
his |
[5 50 221] |
theirs |
theirs |
[5 50 330] |
hers |
hers |
[5 50 331] |
Possessive |
POSSown-type |
Set 52 |
own |
own |
[5 52 395] |
her own |
herown |
[5 52 332] |
his own |
hisown |
[5 52 333] |
its own |
itsown |
[5 52 334] |
my own |
myown |
[5 52 335] |
their own |
theirown |
[5 52 336] |
your own |
yourown |
[5 52 337] |
Indefinite (Singular and Plural) |
Set 30 |
all |
all |
[1 30 140] |
any |
any |
[1 30 115] |
enough |
enough |
[1 30 146] |
more |
more |
[1 30 148] |
more … |
more … |
[1 30 202] |
most |
most |
[1 30 149] |
no other |
noother |
[1 30 231] |
none |
none |
[1 30 203] |
none at all |
noneatall |
[1 30 204] |
some |
some |
[1 30 151] |
that |
(See Relatives/Interrogatives) |
these |
these |
[1 30 102] |
this |
this |
[1 30 102] |
those |
those |
[1 30 103] |
Indefinite (Plural Only) |
Set 40 |
a couple |
acouple |
[1 40 280] |
a few |
afew |
[1 40 245] |
all k of things |
allkofthings |
[1 40 281] |
both |
both |
[1 40 250] |
few |
few |
[1 40 251] |
fewer |
fewer |
[1 40 252] |
many |
many |
[1 40 253] |
quite a few |
quiteafew |
[1 40 263] |
several |
several |
[1 40 266] |
the two of them |
thetwoofthem |
[1 40 274] |
too many |
toomany |
[1 40 255] |
very few |
veryfew |
[1 40 273] |
Indefinite (Singular Only) |
Set 42 |
a little bit |
alittlebit |
[1 42 361] |
a little more |
alittlemore |
[1 42 347] |
another |
another |
[1 42 317] |
anybody |
anybody |
[1 42 378] |
anybody else |
anybodyelse |
[1 42 501] |
anyone |
anyone |
[1 42 362] |
anyone else |
anyoneelse |
[1 42 502] |
anything |
anything |
[1 42 363] |
anything else |
anythingelse |
[1 42 503] |
each |
each |
[1 42 319] |
each one |
eachone |
[1 42 364] |
each other |
eachother |
[1 42 375] |
each thing |
eachthing |
[1 42 365] |
either |
either |
[1 42 825] |
everybody |
everybody |
[1 42 379] |
everybody else |
everybodyelse |
[1 42 505] |
everyone |
everyone |
[1 42 380] |
everyone else |
everyoneelse |
[1 42 506] |
everything |
everything |
[1 42 366] |
everything else |
everythingelse |
[1 42 507] |
less |
less |
[1 42 341] |
little |
little |
[1 42 342] |
much |
much |
[1 42 343] |
neither |
neither |
[1 42 821] |
no one else |
nooneelse |
[1 42 509] |
nobody |
nobody |
[1 42 381] |
nobody else |
nobodyelse |
[1 42 510] |
nothing |
nothing |
[1 42 368] |
nothing else |
nothingelse |
[1 42 511] |
one another |
oneanother |
[1 42 369] |
one’s own |
one’sown |
[1 42 513] |
our own |
ourown |
[1 42 514] |
plenty |
lenty |
[1 42 360] |
self |
self |
[1 42 227] |
selves |
selves |
[1 42 227] |
somebody |
somebody |
[1 42 377] |
somebody else |
somebodyelse |
[1 42 515] |
someone |
someone |
[1 42 370] |
someone else |
someoneelse |
[1 42 516] |
something |
something |
[1 42 371] |
something else |
somethingelse |
[1 42 517] |
such a thing |
suchathing |
[1 42 372] |
too much |
toomuch |
[1 42 344] |
very little |
verylittle |
[1 42 345] |
Indefinite |
INDelse-type |
Set 44 |
else |
else |
[1 44 396] |
else’s |
else’s |
[1 44 396] |
Pronouns |
Mnemonics |
Numerics |
a couple |
acouple |
[1 40 280] |
a few |
afew |
[1 40 245] |
a little bit |
alittlebit |
[1 42 361] |
a little more |
alittlemore |
[1 42 347] |
all |
all |
[1 30 140] |
all k of things |
allkofthings |
[1 40 281] |
another |
another |
[1 42 317] |
any |
any |
[1 30 115] |
anybody |
anybody |
[1 42 378] |
anybody else |
anybodyelse |
[1 42 501] |
anyone |
anyone |
[1 42 362] |
anyone else |
anyoneelse |
[1 42 502] |
anything |
anything |
[1 42 363] |
anything else |
anythingelse |
[1 42 503] |
both |
both |
[1 40 250] |
each |
each |
[1 42 319] |
each one |
eachone |
[1 42 364] |
each other |
eachother |
[1 42 375] |
each thing |
eachthing |
[1 42 365] |
either |
either |
[1 42 825] |
else |
else |
[1 44 396] |
else’s |
else’s |
[1 44 396] |
enough |
enough |
[1 30 146] |
everybody |
everybody |
[1 42 379] |
everybody else |
everybodyelse |
[1 42 505] |
everyone |
everyone |
[1 42 380] |
everyone else |
everyoneelse |
[1 42 506] |
everything |
everything |
[1 42 366] |
everything else |
everythingelse |
[1 42 507] |
few |
few |
[1 40 251] |
fewer |
fewer |
[1 40 252] |
he |
he |
[5 23 798] |
her |
her |
[5 26 798] |
her own |
herown |
[5 52 332] |
hers |
hers |
[5 50 331] |
herself |
herself |
[5 24 590] |
him |
him |
[5 23 798] |
himself |
himself |
[5 24 582] |
his |
his |
[5 50 221] |
his own |
hisown |
[5 52 333] |
I |
I |
[5 21 795] |
it |
it |
[5 27 303] |
its own |
itsown |
[5 52 334] |
itself |
itself |
[5 24 594] |
less |
less |
[1 42 341] |
little |
little |
[1 42 342] |
many |
many |
[1 40 253] |
me |
me |
[5 21 795] |
mine |
mine |
[5 50 327] |
more |
more |
[1 30 148] |
more … |
more … |
[1 30 202] |
most |
most |
[1 30 149] |
much |
much |
[1 42 343] |
my own |
myown |
[5 52 335] |
myself |
myself |
[5 24 286] |
neither |
neither |
[1 42 821] |
no one else |
nooneelse |
[1 42 509] |
no other |
noother |
[1 30 231] |
nobody |
nobody |
[1 42 381] |
nobody else |
nobodyelse |
[1 42 510] |
none |
none |
[1 30 203] |
none at all |
noneatall |
[1 30 204] |
nothing |
nothing |
[1 42 368] |
nothing else |
nothingelse |
[1 42 511] |
one |
(stored as other POS) |
ones |
ones |
[5 25 802] |
one’s |
one’s |
[5 25 802] |
one’s own |
one’sown |
[1 42 513] |
one another |
oneanother |
[1 42 369] |
oneself |
oneself |
[5 24 581] |
our own |
ourown |
[1 42 514] |
ours |
ours |
[5 50 329] |
ourselves |
ourselves |
[5 24 415] |
own |
own |
[5 52 395] |
plenty |
lenty |
[1 42 360] |
quite a few |
quiteafew |
[1 40 263] |
self |
self |
[1 42 227] |
selves |
selves |
[1 42 227] |
several |
several |
[1 40 266] |
she |
she |
[5 26 798] |
some |
some |
[1 30 151] |
somebody |
somebody |
[1 42 377] |
somebody else |
somebodyelse |
[1 42 515] |
someone |
someone |
[1 42 370] |
someone else |
someoneelse |
[1 42 516] |
something |
something |
[1 42 371] |
something else |
somethingelse |
[1 42 517] |
such a thing |
suchathing |
[1 42 372] |
that |
(See Relatives/Interrogatives) |
the two of them |
thetwoofthem |
[1 40 274] |
their own |
theirown |
[5 52 336] |
theirs |
theirs |
[5 50 330] |
them |
them |
[5 23 799] |
themselves |
themsleves |
[5 24 631] |
these |
these |
[1 30 102] |
they |
they |
[5 23 799] |
this |
this |
[1 30 102] |
those |
those |
[1 30 103] |
too many |
toomany |
[1 40 255] |
too much |
toomuch |
[1 42 344] |
us |
us |
[5 21 796] |
very few |
veryfew |
[1 40 273] |
very little |
verylittle |
[1 42 345] |
we |
we |
[5 21 796] |
you |
you |
[5 22 797] |
your own |
yourown |
[5 52 337] |
yours |
yours |
[5 50 328] |
yourself |
yourself |
[5 24 454] |
yourselves |
yourselves |
[5 24 496] |
CONJ - Conjunction [WC 19]¶
Superset |
Mnemonic |
Numeric |
Conjoining |
01 |
Disjunctive |
02 |
Cordinating |
03 |
Subordinating |
04 |
Conjunction |
Mnemonics |
Numerics |
accordingly |
COORaccordingly |
[3 36 870] |
after |
SUBafter |
[4 04 911] |
also |
COORalso |
[3 36 871] |
although |
SUBalthough |
[4 04 913] |
and |
JOINand |
[1 20 820] |
and/or |
JOINand/or |
[1 20 823] |
anytime |
SUBanytime |
[4 04 914] |
as |
SUBas |
[4 04 915] |
as a result |
COORasaresult |
[3 36 901] |
as far as |
SUBasfaras |
[4 04 916] |
as follows |
COORasfollows |
[3 37 906] |
as if |
SUBasif |
[4 04 917] |
as it were |
COORasitwere |
[3 36 872] |
as long as |
SUBaslongas |
[4 04 918] |
as many times as |
SUBasmanytimesas |
[4 04 983] |
as often as |
SUBasoftenas |
[4 04 919] |
as soon as |
SUBassoonas |
[4 04 920] |
as though |
SUBasthough |
[4 04 921] |
as to whether |
SUBastowhether |
[4 04 977] |
as well |
COORaswell |
[3 36 910] |
as well as |
JOINaswellas |
[1 20 824] |
aside from the fact that |
SUBasidefromthefactthat |
[4 04 923] |
at a point where |
SUBatapointwhere |
[4 04 972] |
at a time when |
SUBatatimewhen |
[4 04 925] |
at least, at most, at best |
COORatleastatmostatbest |
[3 36 897] |
at the same time |
COORatthesametime |
[3 36 902] |
at the time that |
SUBatthetimethat |
[4 04 924] |
at times when |
SUBattimeswhen |
[4 04 925] |
because |
SUBbecause |
[4 04 927] |
before |
SUBbefore |
[4 04 928] |
before then |
COORbeforethen |
[3 36 750] |
besides |
COORbesides |
[3 37 416] |
both |
JOINboth |
[1 21 250] |
but |
DISJbut |
[2 33 854] |
but rather |
DISJbutrather |
[2 33 845] |
by the time |
SUBbythetime |
[4 04 930] |
consequently |
COORconsequently |
[3 36 896] |
cont., cont’d, cont |
COORcont |
[3 37 922] |
depending on whether |
SUBdependingonwhether |
[4 04 931] |
e.g. |
COOReg |
[3 38 873] |
either |
JOINeither |
[1 21 825] |
even if |
SUBevenif |
[4 04 934] |
even so |
SUBevenso |
[4 04 963] |
even though |
SUBeventhough |
[4 04 935] |
even when |
SUBevenwhen |
[4 04 938] |
ever since |
SUBeversince |
[4 04 937] |
except |
DISJexcept |
[2 33 846] |
except that |
SUBexceptthat |
[4 04 939] |
except when |
SUBexceptwhen |
[4 04 940] |
finally |
COORfinally |
[3 36 985] |
for example |
COORforexample |
[3 38 873] |
for instance |
COORforinstance |
[3 38 873] |
for the most part |
COORforthemostpart |
[3 36 981] |
further |
COORfurther |
[3 36 907] |
furthermore |
COORfurthermore |
[3 36 874] |
hence |
COORhence |
[3 36 875] |
hereafter |
COORhereafter |
[3 36 864] |
however |
COORhowever |
[3 36 876] |
i.e. |
COORi.e. |
[3 37 912] |
if |
SUBif |
[4 04 942] |
in addition |
COORinaddition |
[3 36 878] |
in any case |
COORinanycase |
[3 36 879] |
in as far as |
SUBinasfaras |
[4 04 960] |
in case |
SUBincase |
[4 04 975] |
in contrast |
DISJincontrast |
[2 33 847] |
in each case |
COORineachcase |
[3 36 904] |
in either case |
COORineithercase |
[3 36 880] |
in no case |
COORinnocase |
[3 36 880] |
in no event |
COORinnoevent |
[3 36 881] |
in order that |
SUBinorderthat |
[4 04 946] |
in spite of the fact that |
SUBinspiteofthefactthat |
[4 04 929] |
in such a case |
COORinsuchacase |
[3 36 894] |
in such a way that |
SUBinsuchawaythat |
[4 04 947] |
in that case |
COORinthatcase |
[3 36 903] |
in that event |
COORinthatevent |
[3 36 903] |
in the event that |
SUBintheeventthat |
[4 04 949] |
in this case |
COORinthiscase |
[3 36 882] |
in this respect |
COORinthisrespect |
[3 36 202] |
in which case |
SUBinwhichcase |
[4 04 905] |
indeed |
COORindeed |
[3 36 987] |
insofar as |
SUBinsofaras |
[4 04 950] |
instead |
DISJinstead |
[2 32 855] |
just as |
SUBjustas |
[4 04 951] |
lastly |
COORlastly |
[3 36 755] |
like |
COORlike |
[3 38 231] |
long after |
SUBlongafter |
[4 04 973] |
long before |
SUBlongbefore |
[4 04 979] |
meanwhile |
COORmeanwhile |
[3 36 984] |
minus |
JOINminus |
[1 22 826] |
moreover |
COORmoreover |
[3 36 883] |
namely |
COORnamely |
[3 37 898] |
needless to say |
COORneedlesstosay |
[3 36 114] |
neither |
JOINneither |
[1 21 821] |
nevertheless |
COORnevertheless |
[3 36 900] |
next |
COORnext |
[3 36 908] |
no |
COORno |
[3 37 895] |
no longer |
COORnolonger |
[3 36 308] |
no matter |
COORnomatter |
[3 37 869] |
nonetheless |
COORnonetheless |
[3 36 900] |
nor |
JOINnor |
[1 20 827] |
notwithstanding |
COORnotwithstanding |
[3 37 404] |
of course |
COORofcourse |
[3 36 115] |
of such a degree that |
SUBofsuchadegreethat |
[4 04 953] |
on condition that |
SUBonconditionthat |
[4 04 954] |
on the assumption that |
SUBontheassumptionthat |
[4 04 955] |
on the condition that |
SUBontheconditionthat |
[4 04 954] |
on the contrary |
COORonthecontrary |
[3 36 895] |
on the other hand |
DISJontheotherhand |
[2 32 848] |
or |
JOINor |
[1 20 828] |
or else |
DISJorelse |
[2 33 822] |
otherwise |
DISJotherwise |
[2 32 849] |
plus |
JOINplus |
[1 22 829] |
rather |
DISJrather |
[2 32 853] |
shortly after |
SUBshortlyafter |
[4 04 974] |
shortly before |
SUBshortlybefore |
[4 04 957] |
since |
SUBsince |
[4 04 959] |
so as to |
SUBsoasto |
[4 04 961] |
so long as |
SUBsolongas |
[4 04 969] |
so that |
SUBsothat |
[4 04 962] |
still |
COORstill |
[3 36 956] |
such as |
COORsuchas |
[3 38 117] |
than |
DISJthan |
[2 33 850] |
then |
COORthen |
[3 36 116] |
thereby |
COORthereby |
[3 36 889] |
therefore |
COORtherefore |
[3 36 890] |
therein |
COORtherein |
[3 37 941] |
thereupon |
COORthereupon |
[3 36 891] |
though |
SUBthough |
[4 04 982] |
thus |
COORthus |
[3 36 892] |
times |
JOINtimes |
[1 22 830] |
unless |
SUBunless |
[4 04 964] |
until |
SUBuntil |
[4 04 965] |
until then |
COORuntilthen |
[3 36 751] |
up to now |
COORuptonow |
[3 37 978] |
when |
SUBwhen |
[4 04 966] |
whenever |
SUBwhenever |
[4 04 967] |
whereas |
DISJwhereas |
[2 33 851] |
whereby |
SUBwhereby |
[4 04 958] |
wherein |
SUBwherein |
[4 04 943] |
wherewith |
COORwherewith |
[3 37 952] |
whether |
SUBwhether |
[4 04 968] |
while |
SUBwhile |
[4 04 970] |
with the reservation that |
SUBwiththereservationthat |
[4 04 971] |
yes |
COORyes |
[3 37 893] |
yet |
DISJyet |
[2 32 852] |
& |
[1 20 130] |
Conjoining Conjunctions |
Mnemonics |
Numerics |
and-type |
JOINandtype |
[1 20] |
and |
JOINand |
[1 20 820] |
and/or |
JOINand/or |
[1 20 823] |
as well as |
JOINas well as |
[1 20 824] |
nor |
JOINnor |
[1 20 827] |
or |
JOINor |
[1 20 828] |
& |
[1 20 130] |
both-type |
JOINbothtype |
[1 21] |
both |
JOINboth |
[1 21 250] |
neither |
JOINneither |
[1 21 821] |
either |
JOINeither |
[1 21 825] |
minus-type |
JOINminustype |
[1 22] |
minus |
JOINminus |
[1 22 826] |
plus |
JOINplus |
[1 22 829] |
times |
JOINtimes |
[1 22 830] |
Disjunctive Conjunction |
Mnemonics |
Numerics |
yet-type |
DISJyettype |
[2 32 ] |
instead |
DISJinstead |
[2 32 855] |
on the other hand |
DISJon the other hand |
[2 32 848] |
otherwise |
DISJotherwise |
[2 32 849] |
rather |
DISJrather |
[2 32 853] |
yet |
DISJyet |
[2 32 852] |
but-type |
DISJbuttype |
[2 33 ] |
but |
DISJbut |
[2 33 854] |
but rather |
DISJbut rather |
[2 33 845] |
except |
DISJexcept |
[2 33 846] |
in contrast |
DISJin contrast |
[2 33 847] |
or else |
DISJor else |
[2 33 822] |
than |
DISJthan |
[2 33 850] |
whereas |
DISJwhereas |
[2 33 851] |
Coordinating Conjunction |
Mnemonics |
Numerics |
also-type |
COORalsotype |
[3 36] |
accordingly |
COORaccordingly |
[3 36 870] |
also |
COORalso |
[3 36 871] |
as a result |
COORas a result |
[3 36 901] |
as it were |
COORas it were |
[3 36 872] |
as well |
COORas well |
[3 36 910] |
at least, at most, at best |
COORat least, at most, at best |
[3 36 897] |
at the same time |
COORat the same time |
[3 36 902] |
before then |
COORbefore then |
[3 36 750] |
consequently |
COORconsequently |
[3 36 896] |
finally |
COORfinally |
[3 36 985] |
for the most part |
COORfor the most part |
[3 36 981] |
further |
COORfurther |
[3 36 907] |
furthermore |
COORfurthermore |
[3 36 874] |
hence |
COORhence |
[3 36 875] |
hereafter |
COORhereafter |
[3 36 864] |
however |
COORhowever |
[3 36 876] |
in addition |
COORin addition |
[3 36 878] |
in any case |
COORin any case |
[3 36 879] |
in each case |
COORin each case |
[3 36 904] |
in either case |
COORin either case |
[3 36 880] |
in no case |
COORin no case |
[3 36 880] |
in no event |
COORin no event |
[3 36 881] |
in such a case |
COORin such a case |
[3 36 894] |
in that case |
COORin that case |
[3 36 903] |
in that event |
COORin that event |
[3 36 903] |
in this case |
COORin this case |
[3 36 882] |
in this respect |
COORin this respect |
[3 36 202] |
indeed |
COORindeed |
[3 36 987] |
lastly |
COORlastly |
[3 36 755] |
meanwhile |
COORmeanwhile |
[3 36 984] |
moreover |
COORmoreover |
[3 36 883] |
needless to say |
COORneedless to say |
[3 36 114] |
nevertheless |
COORnevertheless |
[3 36 900] |
next |
COORnext |
[3 36 908] |
no longer |
COORno longer |
[3 36 308] |
nonetheless |
COORnonetheless |
[3 36 900] |
of course |
COORof course |
[3 36 115] |
on the contrary |
COORon the contrary |
[3 36 895] |
still |
COORstill |
[3 36 956] |
then |
COORthen |
[3 36 116] |
thereby |
COORthereby |
[3 36 889] |
therefore |
COORtherefore |
[3 36 890] |
thereupon |
COORthereupon |
[3 36 891] |
thus |
COORthus |
[3 36 892] |
until then |
COORuntil then |
[3 36 751] |
besides-type |
COORbesidestype |
[3 37] |
as follows |
COORas follows |
[3 37 906] |
besides |
COORbesides |
[3 37 416] |
cont., cont’d, cont |
COORcont |
[3 37 922] |
i.e. |
COORi.e. |
[3 37 912] |
namely |
COORnamely |
[3 37 898] |
no |
COORno |
[3 37 895] |
no matter |
COORno matter |
[3 37 869] |
notwithstanding |
COORnotwithstanding |
[3 37 404] |
therein |
COORtherein |
[3 37 941] |
up to now |
COORup to now |
[3 37 978] |
wherewith |
COORwherewith |
[3 37 952] |
yes |
COORyes |
[3 37 893] |
like-type |
COORliketype |
[3 38] |
e.g. |
COOReg |
[3 38 873] |
for example |
COORfor example |
[3 38 873] |
for instance |
COORfor instance |
[3 38 873] |
like |
COORlike |
[3 38 231] |
such as |
COORsuch as |
[3 38 117] |
Subordinating Conjunction |
Mnemonics |
Numerics |
after |
SUBafter |
[4 04 911] |
although |
SUBalthough |
[4 04 913] |
anytime |
SUBanytime |
[4 04 914] |
as |
SUBas |
[4 04 915] |
as far as |
SUBas far as |
[4 04 916] |
as if |
SUBas if |
[4 04 917] |
as long as |
SUBas long as |
[4 04 918] |
as many times as |
SUBas many times as |
[4 04 983] |
as often as |
SUBas often as |
[4 04 919] |
as soon as |
SUBas soon as |
[4 04 920] |
as to whether |
SUBas to whether |
[4 04 977] |
as though |
SUBas though |
[4 04 921] |
aside from the fact that |
SUBaside from the fact that |
[4 04 923] |
at a point where |
SUBat a point where |
[4 04 972] |
at a time when |
SUBat a time when |
[4 04 925] |
at the time that |
SUBat the time that |
[4 04 924] |
at times when |
SUBat times when |
[4 04 925] |
because |
SUBbecause |
[4 04 927] |
before |
SUBbefore |
[4 04 928] |
by the time |
SUBby the time |
[4 04 930] |
depending on whether |
SUBdepending on whether |
[4 04 931] |
even if |
SUBeven if |
[4 04 934] |
even so |
SUBeven so |
[4 04 963] |
even though |
SUBeven though |
[4 04 935] |
even when |
SUBeven when |
[4 04 938] |
ever since |
SUBever since |
[4 04 937] |
except that |
SUBexcept that |
[4 04 939] |
except when |
SUBexcept when |
[4 04 940] |
if |
SUBif |
[4 04 942] |
in which case |
SUBin which case |
[4 04 905] |
in as far as |
SUBin as far as |
[4 04 960] |
in case |
SUBin case |
[4 04 975] |
in order that |
SUBin order that |
[4 04 946] |
in spite of the fact that |
SUBin spite of the fact that |
[4 04 929] |
in such a way that |
SUBin such a way that |
[4 04 947] |
in the event that |
SUBin the event that |
[4 04 949] |
insofar as |
SUBinsofar as |
[4 04 950] |
just as |
SUBjust as |
[4 04 951] |
long after |
SUBlong after |
[4 04 973] |
long before |
SUBlong before |
[4 04 979] |
of such a degree that |
SUBof such a degree that |
[4 04 953] |
on condition that |
SUBon condition that |
[4 04 954] |
on the condition that |
SUBon the condition that |
[4 04 954] |
on the assumption that |
SUBon the assumption that |
[4 04 955] |
shortly after |
SUBshortly after |
[4 04 974] |
shortly before |
SUBshortly before |
[4 04 957] |
since |
SUBsince |
[4 04 959] |
so as to |
SUBso as to |
[4 04 961] |
so long as |
SUBso long as |
[4 04 969] |
so that |
SUBso that |
[4 04 962] |
though |
SUBthough |
[4 04 982] |
unless |
SUBunless |
[4 04 964] |
until |
SUBuntil |
[4 04 965] |
until then |
SUBuntil then |
[4 04 751] |
when |
SUBwhen |
[4 04 966] |
whenever |
SUBwhenever |
[4 04 967] |
whereby |
SUBwhereby |
[4 04 958] |
wherein |
SUBwherein |
[4 04 943] |
whether |
SUBwhether |
[4 04 968] |
while |
SUBwhile |
[4 04 970] |
with the reservation that |
SUBwith the reservation that |
[4 04 971] |
Type of Punctuation |
Mnemonic |
Superset |
beginning of sentence |
[1] |
comma |
[2] |
colon / semi-colon |
[3] |
slash |
[4] |
hyphen |
[5] |
left parens |
[6] |
right parens |
[7] |
end of sentence |
[10] |
* Consult the EXCEL document named “alphanum7” maintained at the Logos Technology Center for additional punctuation codes.
Punctuation |
Mnemonic |
Numeric |
beginning of sentence |
[1 1 001] |
interrogative sentence |
[1 1 909] |
sentence within list (first sentence of list and each sentence within list) |
[1 1 385] |
comma |
[2 2 888] |
colon |
[3 3 887] |
semi-colon |
[3 3 886] |
dash |
[3 3 885] |
ellipsis |
[3 3 885] |
slash |
[4 4 884] |
hyphen |
[5 5 005] |
left parenthesis |
[6 26 866] |
left angle bracket |
[6 26 386] |
left double quote |
[6 56 666] |
right parenthesis |
[7 27 877] |
right angle bracket |
[7 27 387] |
right double quote |
[7 57 777] |
end of sentence |
[10 10 10] form = 01 |
exclamation point |
[10 10 10] form = 08 |
period |
[10 10 10] form = 01 |
question mark |
[10 10 10] form = 09 |
exclamation point / rt parens |
[10 7 877] form = 01, [10 10 10] form = 08 |
period / rt parens |
[10 7 877] form = 01, [10 10 10] form = 01 |
question mark / rt parens |
[10 7 877] form = 01, [10 10 10] form = 08 |
EOS of a broken sentence / or / EOS before list mode |
Set 51 |
Colon occurs at break |
BROKcolon |
[10 51 186] |
Semi-colon occurs at break |
BROKsemi-colon |
[10 51 185] |
Comma occurs at break |
BROKcomma |
[10 51 188] |
Dash or space occurs at break |
BROKdashspace |
[10 51 189] |
Final sentence in a list / or / EOS of the end of a broken sentence |
Set 52 |
Special Characters¶
Special Characters occur in Punctuation Word Class [PUNC] [WC 20] and in Arithmate Word Class [AR] [WC 16]. For a complete list of Special Characters, refer to the EXCEL document named “alphanum7” maintained at the Logos Technology Center. This is the definive file for Arithmates, Punctuation, and Special Characters.